We’ve got your latest Celebrity Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds with the latest round of Veto results. The Veto competition arrived late on Wednesday evening after a very interesting afternoon with lots of shifting and scheming but that could all be for nothing depending on how the Veto turns out. Read on for the spoilers!
Celebrity Big Brother Spoilers: Round 3 Veto Competition Results:
- Natalie won the Power of Veto!
Houseguests battled for nearly four hours in the Veto comp on Wednesday before Feeds returned to HGs taking off jerseys and discussing the sports theme. A nice tie-in for CBS with the Super Bowl on Sunday, no doubt. Natalie explained that if she hadn’t won that comp she would have received grief from her family since she played soccer growing up and there must have been field goals involved here.
So now Natalie and Lolo will have to discuss it but I’d guess she won’t use the Veto and instead leave the nominations as they are with Kandi and Joey on the Block. Tom won’t get his chance to BD Ricky after all and Tamar’s twist power should be safe for another round.
Veto Meeting is coming up on Thursday so watch out for those spoiler results. What do you want to see happen this round with the PoV?
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