Big Brother 26 Twist: 17th Houseguest – Update: Video Added

Big Brother on CBS

You’ve met the sixteen new Houseguests for Big Brother 26, but have you met the 17th?? Yeah, us neither because that twist has yet to be revealed but it’s about to happen in the premiere!

CBS has teased and Sharon Tharp has confirmed, there will be a mystery 17th player in some fashion and it’ll be up to a vote by the Houseguests in the first two nights. Really I expect that then means it’ll be a cliffhanger on one of those two nights to keep us hooked to the next episode.

We don’t really know more than that yet. Julie has teased that AI will play a big role this season so I’m suspicious if the 17th HG will have to do with that angle. Could we have someone who is “controlled” by AI decisions like Eric was as America’s Player? That’d be an easy way to swing things. Or maybe the twist “HG” is never fully revealed to the rest of the players and it’s just a direct AI interaction of some sort. Dunno!

During the cast reveal on Monday we saw an intro video from CBS with each HG telling what they’d bring to the game. Then at the very end we saw this shadowy figure quietly make his or her own contribution to the segment. Obviously we have a lot left to learn.

Mystery 17th HG on BB26

Any theories so far on what you think will happen with this 17th player? Will HGs really have a choice not to vote the bonus HG into the game? That’d be quite the gamble for the twist, so I’m expecting it’ll just be the illusion of choice on this one but let’s see how it plays out on Wednesday and Thursday during the Big Brother 26 premiere.

Update: We have more info! CBS released the video below showing the 17th HG will be an AI version of Julie’s Chenbot persona. This comes from Proto Hologram. Check it out in action in the video below:



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