Big Brother 26 Spoilers: Veto Competition Results – Week 1

Power of Veto medallion on Big Brother - CBS

Ready for the return of your weekend results? We’ve got the outcome from the first Power of Veto competition this season on Big Brother 26 as the new Head of Household had sent THREE nominees to the Block ahead of the AI Arena that’s going to add a whole other level of confusion complexity to the game.

Angela is the first HOH this summer and had already sent her target and two pawns to the Block but with three noms there was no open spot for the HOH to join them. Now that’s something a little different and fun to see. Earlier we hear the HOH would not play because there were three noms and each of those would get to draw a chip, but as it turned out the HOH is playing for Veto this week.

Along with Angela and her three noms, Kenney, Kimo, and Lisa, we found out on the Feeds that Brooklyn and Joseph would be joining them on the field while Tucker is hosting the comp.

Big Brother 26 Spoilers: Week 1 Veto Competition Results:

  • Lisa Weintraub won the Power of Veto!

Congratulations to Lisa on a critical win for her. She wasn’t the main target of the moment, but you never ever want to be on the Block come Thursday night, so that was big for her game. And now with all the chaos from this morning we could see some interesting action from Angela directed at Matt who she made quite a stink over and grand fashion.

Okay, here’s what things get even ‘slippier.’ We’ve got the “AI Arena” ahead where it sounds like one of the three Noms will get to escape the Block ahead of Thursday’s live eviction. We’ll see how that plays out but it’s probably after the Veto meeting and, well obviously, before the vote. That’ll be a nice extra round of spoilers for us to look forward to this coming week.

In the meantime, let’s see where these Houseguests take us. The first week or two is always extra messy which is fantastic. Eventually they’ll settle into their alliances and trust circles, but until then let’s see this place go nuts!

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