‘Big Brother 26’ Spoilers: Veto Ceremony Results – Week 7

Veto Medallion box on Big Brother - CBS

Would the streak stay alive on Big Brother 26 with the seventh week of straight Veto use or not? The Big Brother spoilers reveal what the Veto holder decided after a long, drawn out debate that had gone on since Saturday’s Veto competition. Debates stretched late into the night on Sunday as the Veto winner seemed to want to use it but then faced pushback from nearly everyone.

Leah really seemed to want to save Angela because she never just came out and said “I’m not using it.” Instead she swayed around the idea while others told her what a bad idea it’d be. Of course many of those didn’t want to risk being the renom and that’s reasonable. But what was really best for Leah? I don’t see a snowball’s chance of her winning the game, but Leah seemed to think Angela would be a F2 vote from Jury for her. Meanwhile, HGs like Quinn saw Angela as an easy goat to drag to the end and therefore a threat to their own odds at being knocked out in favor of Angela along the way. Valid point. But what would Leah decide?

Power of Veto Ceremony Spoilers – Week 7

  • Leah used the Veto on Angela
  • Quinn named Joseph as the renom
  • Joseph, Kimo, and Rubina are this week’s final noms
Angela Murray on Big Brother 26 - CBS
Angela Murray on Big Brother 26 – CBS

I’m not terribly surprised because Leah never just came out and said “I’m not using it.” She’d state why she wanted to save Angela and then she’d agree the other person was making good points, but it never seemed to be set and settled for her. Well that’s fun to see the streak reach a seventh week! I believe that’s a Big Brother record. Okay, not even close to the record. @RBBQ on Twitter noted BB14 had 10 out of 12 Vetoes used. Wow!

Joseph is an odd choice for Quinn since they went on about being a F2 for each other again the other night, but Quinn is going to Quinn and you never know why he did that. Then again, if Quinn is going to Quinn then he’ll talk about it at great length then SCREAM about it for us in the DR later.

That’s it for events this week until Thursday night’s live show. The Arena is still here so those three will head inside for a chance at safety and one of them will escape while the other two remain to face the vote and come up one spot short of the Big Brother 26 Jury! Who do you think will be going home this week?

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