Big Brother 26: Alliances And Deals Update Week 7

Tucker’s eviction disrupted a number of Big Brother 26 alliances, so the house dynamics sure look a lot different this week.

And I think everyone must be a bit over the wishy-washy nature of these alliances because the usually fans who keep track of the alliances and deals haven’t even updated yet. And I get it. The game feels like it has reset in the most disheartening way. So let’s take a look at how the groups look currently.

Officially over at The Friendzzz, Sixth Avenue and The Tanks. And since Quinn has nominated Kimo this week, The Visionaries are also dead in the water. T’Kor is really not happy with Quinn this week. Even though she was, at first, going to be included in the new group Quinn is trying to lock down.

After Quinn won HOH, he told Chelsie he wanted to solidify a group consisting himself, Chelsie, Cam, T’Kor and Makensy. Leah’s name was also brought up as was Joseph’s. But the latest names mentioned were Quinn, Chelsie, Cam, Leah and Makensy. That could of course change today after the veto ceremony.

I am guessing T’Kor, Rubina and Kimo are keeping their part of Friendzzz alive and hopefully have enough insight to pull Joseph into something. But that isn’t official yet.

So it’s looking like there is a a divided house, here, but an uneven one. There’ T’Kor, Kimo, Rubina and Jospeh vs. Quinn, Chelsie, Cam, Makesny and Leah. And Angela is just being Angela in the middle.

As for duos, I think T’Kor and Kimo are still solid. Chelsie and Cam are still solid. I don’t think Quinn and Joseph’s final 2 is very solid.

This has just been the weirdest season for alliances and deals. None of the groups were ever solid and just as soon as you thought they were, someone would turn on the group or blow it up or nominate one of their allies.

I think the house is still trying to figure out how to reset after Tucker’s eviction, so expect some restructuring in the days to come. We will update you when any new alliances and deals form.



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