After another eviction on Big Brother 26, the remaining houseguests went on to compete in the Head of Household Competition for Week 6 of BB26. We have another week of the BBAI Arena, which means there will be three nominees again. The new Head of Household has done their one-on-ones with their fellow Big Brother houseguests and started narrowing down the already narrow options. Read on to get all the details!
If you have been keeping up with the Big Brother spoilers since Thursday night’s eviction, then you know that T’Kor went on to win the HOH competition. She told Kimo and Rubina she was nervous and scared of winning this week. She didn’t want to have to make any decisions about who to nominate.
During her talks with Kimo and Rubina last night, T’Kor made it clear that she would not be nominating them and Chelsie. She also talked about not putting Tucker on the block, but when Tucker volunteered to go on the block if needed, T’Kor considered this option. It wasn’t until a little later that Tucker told Kimo that he didn’t really want to go on the block because he was nervous that people would take the shot at him if he didn’t win Veto or BBAI Arena.
Kimo and Rubina discussed this and she went up to talk to T’Kor and try and convince her that putting Tucker up was a bad idea and that there were plenty of other options. However, Joseph has been trying to convince T’Kor and Rubina that since Tucker volunteered, it was a great idea to take him up on his offer to go up as a pawn. Joseph is doing this to protect Leah from the block.
After talking to all the other BB26 HGs, T’Kor considered putting MJ on the block this week since everyone seemed to mention MJ’s name in their one-on-ones. She also talked about possibly putting Cam on the block, but she said she felt bad because he was just on the block and he has lost two of his closest allies in the last two weeks.
Last we heard, MJ was a real option and T’Kor was seriously considering putting Tucker up as a pawn. As far as a third nominee, some people were pushing for Leah and Joseph was pushing for anyone but Leah. Therefore, T’Kor could also decide to put Leah on the block. With the number of allies that T’Kor has in the house, her options are pretty limited.
Be on the lookout for Nomination Ceremony spoilers coming up later! In the meantime, let us know who you think T’Kor should nominate this week on Big Brother 26.
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