Big Brother 26 Alliances: Friendzzzz Drives Over Sixth Avenue

T'kor and Rubina on Big Brother 26 - CBS

A new week brings new alliances on Big Brother 26 and this round is no different as we have witnessed yet another gathering of likeminded Houseguests with a common goal: making it through one week at a time. Of course, I dislike even loosely using the word alliance in most of these modern seasons because they’re really not more than brief alignments for sometimes hours at a time, but anyway here we go again!

You’ll remember The Tanks from last week with its five member gathering of Tucker, T’kor, Kimo, Rubina, and Angela which was soon expanded to Sixth Avenue with the arrival of Joseph. Now that’s put that in slow-motion reverse and instead of adding another we’ll work back down to The Tanks and remove one to form “Friendzzzz.” Sorry, Angela, you’re out. And yes, that is 4x Z’s there at the end.

So anyway we’ve got another round of the core shrinking within an alliance down to these main four HGs and let’s be real because was Angela ever more than a satellite to this group anyway? But note that Tucker did just solidfy his Unexpected F2 alliance with Angela.

Angela Murray on Big Brother 26 - CBS
Angela Murray on Big Brother 26 – CBS

The important part here is that T’kor does look to be committed to keeping Tucker, Rubina, and Kimo safe this week as she is the new Head of Household. Overnight T’kor was quick to reaffirm her plans to protect the group and that was not long after the Friendzzz grouping was set.

We’ll be watching today to see where the nominations land for T’kor but so far it seems reliable that it’ll be outside their group. T’kor may be frustrated with Tucker’s antics, how could most of them not, but she probably also knows a good thing when she sees it and no reason to get off the Tucker train just yet, right?

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