It was another low-key day in Jankie World. The Big Brother 26 houseguests are beyond over their extended stay in the back yard, so the day was spent napping, having more pizza and ice cream parties. And the veto ceremony was much later than usual, so one can only assume production was trying to give them all time to talk, but that didn’t really happen.
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Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, September 16, 2024:
10:23 AM BBT- Houseguests getting up for the day.
10:25 AM BBT – Cam tells Makesny he has no idea why Chelsie was so upset with him last night. Makensy says Chelsie was annoyed with her last night also.
11:14 AM BBT – Chelsie is sore and miserable so Angela offers to give her a massage.
11:35 AM BBT – Leah called to the DR. Makensy expects the veto ceremony is about to start.
11:57 AM BBT – Leah is out of the DR. False alarm.
12:08 PM BBT – Houseguests finishing up a required dance party and get ordered to have an ice cream party.
12:45 PM BBT – Chelsie dreading talking to Cam after their tiff last night.
12:55 PM BBT – Leah asks Makensy if she thinks she’s about to make the right decision. Makesny says she thinks so. Leah says she just doesn’t want to be an idiot and protect someone this week who won’t protect her next week.
12:57 PM BBT – Leah tells Makensy that she doesn’t think Angela cares who goes this week. Makensy says she thinks she can convince Cam to vote out T’Kor with her this week. Leah says that would be huge. They agree that Angela would also be on board for it.
1:00 PM BBT – Makensy says if T’Kor goes this week she would probably nominate Kimo and Rubina next week if she wins HOH. She then mentions maybe Kimo and Angela with Rubina as the replacement nominee.
1:16 PM BBT – Makensy and Leah are talking about Chelsie and Cam fighting. Leah says the two of them fighting is good for Leah and Makensy.
3:50 PM BBT – T’Kor is putting rubber ducks in a bucket to see how many will fit in there (in case a competition with them comes into play). Angela is making a pizza.
4:05 PM BBT – Most everyone was sleeping but they got a call out to have another pizza party.
4:10 PM BBT – Houseguests are having their pizza party pre Jankie’s request.
So the houseguests had all day to talk about the veto ceremony, particularly T’Kor, who will likely go up, but no one took advantage of all the time. So if T’Kor finds herself on the block, Leah and Makensy are already planning to get Cam and Angela to vote with them to send her off to jury. Everyone believes T’Kor wins against anyone in the Final 2, so that is the big move being planned this week.
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