Monday evening started off low-key inside the Big Brother 26 house with the houseguests being shown AI messages from Julie and Ainsley. Things didn’t start heating up until Leah and Makensy talked one-on-one for the first time since the Week 10 Veto Ceremony for BB26 took place earlier in the day. Read on to find out all the details of the talks among the Big Brother houseguests and find out what happened when Chelsie was brought into the conversation in the HOH room.
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Back up and read the Daytime Highlights Report before moving on to overnight events.
Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights โ Monday, September 23, 2024:
4:55 PM BBT – Feeds returned after a brief downtime. They are all speculating that Julie being out (when she had Covid) was planned and suspect that she was off last week too (because all they heard was her voice). Sounds like they got an AI message from Julie.
5:05 PM BBT – The HGs are speculating that the message could be hinting at a DE this week. Kimo says she said “we’re all in grave danger.”
5:25 PM BBT – Angela mentions that the backyard is closed. Wonders if they will open it again.
5:28 PM BBT – The HGs are all in the living room again.
5:32 PM BBT – Chelsie mentions that they got a new message. Kimo mentions that Ainsley locked them in. Chelsie says that the message said the government has been tracking Ainsley’s thought patterns and it brought her great pleasure in terminating Jankie. She had F-U-N.
5:35 PM BBT – Leah tells Rubina that being nominated by someone she trusted felt like a slap in the face after she was told she would be safe. Says she feels like it was all planned.
5:49 PM BBT – Another message from Julie. Saying that she thought that Ainsley was harmless, but she is a danger to all of humanity and told them to stay safe.
6:15 PM BBT – Chelsie speculates that Ainsley is taking over the world and it’s up to them to save it. They wonder if it will be BB Comics.
6:35 PM BBT – The HGs still think they have three and a half more weeks in the house.
7:11 PM BBT – After another feed cut, Kimo is speculating that these messages are Julie’s way of implying that Jerry O’Connell is going to take over for Julie or host another game show. Says this latest message said “the fate of Big Brother rests in your hands.”
7:35 PM BBT – BB announces that the backyard is now open.
8:00 PM BBT – Leah tells Angela that she’s frustrated and still trying to figure out why she is being backdoored.
8:05 PM BBT – Leah tells Angela that she can’t wait to go to bed. Says that she is so annoyed with everything. Says that she doesn’t think she has it in her to beg. Angela says that she has done it almost every week. Leah asks what she is supposed to do when the people she protected last week are targeting her this week?
8:15 PM BBT – Leah speculates to Kimo that maybe her and Angela will have to compete against T’Kor and Quinn and whoever wins will be in the nomination chairs on Thursday night. Kimo wonders why the juror would be mentioned (in one of the AI messages). Says one of the messages said that the jurors were missing from the Jury house.
8:30 PM BBT – Kimo asks Leah if she has talked to anyone else. She says no and that she feels like her fate has already been decided. He says she should still talk to people. She says she will, just not yet.
8:35 PM BBT – Dinner time for the HGs.
8:45 PM BBT – The HGs are all talking about what other shows they would go on. Most said they would go on Survivor and Makensy says she could see herself going on The Challenge. They also talk about Traitors.
9:05 PM BBT – Leah tells Makensy that she would like to talk to her before she goes to bed. They head up to the HOH room.
9:10 PM BBT – Makensy tells Leah that people came to her with a lot of information which made her question where Leah was at. Says it started with Leah telling Chelsie that Makensy and Cam were a showmance. Leah says Chelsie brought that up to her.
9:15 PM BBT – Makensy rapid fires several things that were brought to her attention. Leah tells her that she wishes Makensy brought this up to her before the Veto Ceremony so she could debunk them.
9:18 PM BBT – Makensy tells Leah that she fought for Leah to stay off the block the week Quinn was evicted. She also mentions that Leah had a F3 with Chelsie and Brooklyn that she didn’t want Makensy a part of. Leah denies that and tells Makensy that it was them who shut down the idea and at that point the two of them were a package deal.
9:21 PM BBT – Makensy tells Leah that everyone came to her about Leah because they were questioning where Leah stood. They all think that the only person Leah will stand beside is Angela. Makensy says she felt like she needed to put Leah up. Leah starts to defend herself and tells Makensy that she never would have put Makensy up and that she wanted to work with Cam, and Makensy.
9:23 PM BBT – Makensy says that this was the hardest move she’s had to make but if she didn’t they (the house) would have come for her throat. Leah says they are going to come for her throat regardless.
9:25 PM BBT – Leah tells Makensy that she brought up the Cam/Makensy showmance as a joke after others brought it to her first. She never thought they actually were. She says that she is worried about Chelsie because she acts differently toward her in private than she does in a group setting. Feeds cut away from their conversation.
9:30 PM BBT – Leah tells Makensy that everyone promised her safety last week. She also tells Makensy that if Makensy and Cam were in a showmance, it has nothing to do with her.
9:33 PM BBT – Leah tells Makensy that everyone is trash talking Leah behind her back. Says this is why she liked Quinn so much because he would listen to her and make her feel less alone. Leah wonders what she ever did to Chelsie
9:36 PM BBT – Leah tells Makensy that she isn’t hurt that she’s on the block, she’s hurt that Makensy was the one who put her on it. Says that Makensy was the one person she trusted.
9:38 PM BBT – Makensy tells Leah that Rubina told her Leah was worried about Makensy’s relationship with Chelsie. Leah says that she was trying to mend things with Rubina after she nominated her last week, but she never said that she was scared of Makensy’s relationship with Chelsie.
9:40 PM BBT – Leah goes through all the reasons why the other HGs wouldn’t have her back. She then tells Makensy that Kimo questioned Leah as to why she didn’t target Chelsie/Cam/Makensy last week.
9:45 PM BBT – Makensy tells Leah that Chelsie does want to work with Leah, but she is worried Leah would put her up. Leah tells her that that’s the problem. Chelsie isn’t trusting Leah’s actions in the house (not going after her last week). Makensy mentions that Kimo and Rubina both told her they want Angela/Leah gone so it’s news to her that Kimo sees her, Cam, and Chelsie as a threat.
10:05 PM BBT – Leah says that Makensy is believing everyone else when they were never there for them (her and Makensy). Says that she thinks Kimo, Rubina, and Chelsie are working together. Leah says maybe she made the wrong decision last week because why is Chelsie running to Makensy every two seconds and then sleeping in her bed. Leah protected her last week, if she wanted to make the move, she would have.
10:10 PM BBT – Leah tells Makensy that Rubina and Kimo tried to comfort her earlier, but she feels like they were just trying to get information out of her.
10:15 PM BBT – Makensy encourages Leah to talk to Chelsie about everything Rubina and Kimo are doing. Says she would like to be in the room when she does. Makensy says Leah just needs two votes and then Makensy to break the tie. Says Leah has a chance to stay if she has an honest conversation with Chelsie. Leah says “you got got. It’s the same thing Quinn did to Joseph.”
10:25 PM BBT – Leah tells Makensy that the shot at her didn’t need to be taken this week and that Chelsie just wanted someone else to do her dirty work.
10:45 PM BBT – Makensy goes to get Chelsie so they can all talk.
11:00 PM BBT – Leah tells Chelsie that she was worried about her but tried to prove she trusted her by not putting her on the block last week. Says that her comment about Cam and Makensy was a joke. She mentions that she has always been honest about her vote and has never flipped.
11:05 PM BBT – Leah tells Chelsie that she wants to work with her, she says that she doesn’t want everyone in the house to know where her head is at especially Kimo and Rubina. However, she wants to maintain a good relationship with them so they don’t put her up. She’s allowed to have those conversations.
11:15 PM BBT – Chelsie tells Leah that she was told by several people that Leah wasn’t going after her real target last week and that she was waiting to take that shot (implying she knew she was Leah’s target).
11:20 PM BBT – Chelsie says that it’s everyone’s word against Leah’s. Says that Leah didn’t reassure them as a group that she wanted to work with them. Leah says she talked to them individually because there was no space for them all to talk in the backyard.
11:25 PM BBT – Cam, Rubina, and Kimo are talking in the bathroom. They are worried about what’s going on in the HOH room.
11:35 PM BBT – Chelsie questions Leah about how if she wanted to play with Chelsie, Cam, and Makensy then why did Joseph and Quinn know more about Leah’s game than they did. Leah says she thought that Quinn and Joseph could help propel her in the game. Chelsie says that is all contradictory information. Leah says she heard that taking Angela off the block made her unpredictable. Chelsie says that Leah said that to her and that she told Leah she thought it was a good move.
11:40 PM BBT – Chelsie tells Leah that if her priority is a group of people then she should have communicated her fears with that group instead of people outside it. Leah says that’s on her and apologizes.
11:45 PM BBT – Chelsie tells Leah that outside this game, they will be the best of friends. Leah says that makes her feel like they can’t work together in the game. Chelsie says in the game there is a lot of mistrust.
11:55 PM BBT – Leah says that she’s sitting next to Angela who benefits everyone’s game. Chelsie asks how that’s true when Angela went to T’Kor during her HOH and questioned why Chelsie wasn’t on the block.
12:00 AM BBT – Leah says she doesn’t know how to stay this week when she is on the block next to a perpetual pawn. She knows that their trust is bruised, but she wouldn’t target Chelsie or Makensy. Chelsie says trust can be rebuilt but it takes time and there isn’t a lot of it. Says she has to have some conversations because someone is lying.
12:15 AM BBT – Chelsie is frustrated with Leah because she keeps saying she isn’t working with anyone. Says that she feels like Leah was making fun of alliances she was in that fell apart and they were all alliances that Chelsie was blamed for. Leah says that it was never an attack on Chelsie, she just felt left out of things (she is talking about with Quinn and Joseph, not Chelsie).
12:20 AM BBT – Leah doesn’t understand why what she was going to do (during her HOH) matters when that’s not what she did.
12:35 AM BBT – Leah doesn’t understand why no one talked to her before she was put on the block. Chelsie offers nothing.
1:25 AM BBT – Chelsie asks Leah what Makensy’s hope for this week is and Leah says that Makensy doesn’t want Leah to go. Says she isn’t sure if she should have told Chelsie that, but if they are going to work together, she feels she needs to share that (a little late for that).
1:45 AM BBT – Leah questions if Makensy doesn’t want her to go, then why is she on the block next to Angela.
2:05 AM BBT – Leah gets called to the DR ending their conversation.
2:07 AM BBT – Chelsie heads down to the bathroom to fill Rubina, Kimo, and Cam in on the conversation that just took place.
2:45 AM BBT – Chelsie tells Cam she has a lot to tell him. Says that Makensy wants to keep Leah now. Makensy walks in and starts comparing notes with Chelsie on their conversations with Leah.
3:15 AM BBT – Chelsie tells Cam that she was brutally honest with Leah, but Makensy wasn’t.
3:20 AM BBT – Chelsie tells Cam that Makensy threw Kimo and Rubina under the bus hard with Leah.
3:25 AM BBT – Cam thinks that Kimo is trying to plant seeds to cause issues between Makensy and Chelsie.
3:30 AM BBT – Cam says that his ideal F4 would be him, Chelsie, Makensy and Angela.
3:35 AM BBT – Kimo and Rubina are talking about how they can make it to F2 together.
3:50 AM BBT – Kimo and Rubina are heading to bed. Kimo breaks up the conversation with Cam and Chelsie. Meanwhile, Rubina tries to check in with Leah but gets called to the DR.
It was a busy night in the house for Chelsie, Makensy, and Leah but we shouldn’t expect these conversations to change Leah’s position in the game. Makensy seems to be realizing that she made a mistake putting Leah on the block and Chelsie is noticing that as well. This could cause a rift between the trio in the house. Chelsie pulled no punches in her conversation with Leah and is annoyed that Makensy wasn’t completely honest in her conversation with Leah. However, will it be enough for Chelsie to target Makensy moving forward?
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