Big Brother 26 Live Feeds Week 9: Friday Night Highlights

It was a slow evening on the Big Brother 26 live feeds with all the houseguests huddled in the backyard together with nowhere to hide. There were small pockets of game talk throughout the evening as the Big Brother houseguests prepared for and reacted to the Nomination Ceremony taking place.

Read on to get all the details of what the BB26 houseguests talked about on Friday evening and how the nominees seem to be handling being on the block. Hint: One of them isn’t taking it so well.

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Back up and read the Daytime Highlights Report before moving on to overnight events.

Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, September 13, 2024:

4:45 PM BBT – Makensy asks Rubina how she is and Rubina says it’s okay, she’s okay. Says she’s not going to be upset because it’s not a good use of her energy.

4:50 PM BBT – Makensy tells Rubina that Leah didn’t tell her anything and didn’t promise her anything either. Rubina says that there was a deal she could have taken (throwing someone under the bus), but she didn’t want to do that.

5:25 PM BBT – Chelsie is giving Leah pointers on how to warn her nominees that they are going up. Meanwhile, Kimo is telling T’Kor that him and Rubina are the easy noms, but also a foolish move.

5:28 PM BBT – T’Kor is encouraging Kimo to talk to Leah. He doesn’t want to throw anyone under the bus, but T’Kor tells him he doesn’t have a choice. She tells him that he won’t regret fighting his hardest to be there, even if he gets voted out.

5:33 PM BBT – T’Kor tells Kimo that he has been a HN three times, nominated three times, and is an option to go up again this week so him being frustrated by this makes sense. Kimo says that’s why he wants to blow things up.

5:45 PM BBT – Leah tells Chelsie that Quinn gave her one of his shirts but she didn’t want to wear it during the comp in case there was slime. She ended up grabbing it right before the comp.

5:50 PM BBT – Rubina and T’Kor are playing the carnival games in the backyard. They have Jankie’s Bucket Shot and if they make the shot, there are stuffed animal prizes for them. Rubina, Cam, and Makensy all won prizes.

7:00 PM BBT – The HGs are all in their cots taking a nap.

7:49 PM BBT – Feeds cut to adoptable animals for the Nomination Ceremony.

9:16 PM BBT – Feeds returned from the Nomination Ceremony.

9:30 PM BBT – Angela brings up Josh from BB19 and how he used to bang pots and pans while doing the circus jingle. Says that she couldn’t imagine living in a house with someone like that. She also mentioned how he tormented Jessica and Cody that season.

9:55 PM BBT – Kimo is isolating the best he can by wrapping himself head-to-toe in his blanket and laying on his cot.

10:05 PM BBT – The HGs got an electirc smores burner and some of them are making smores.

10:15 PM BBT – Rubina tells T’Kor that she is still going to try to have fun this week and she hopes that Kimo can too since his birthday is Tuesday.

10:20 PM BBT – Leah, Makensy, and Cam are talking about how Kimo isn’t happy about being nominated this week while he is laying on his cot only a few feet away. Leah feels bad she couldn’t warn Kimo and Rubina that they were going up (nominations finally confirmed).

10:30 PM BBT – T’Kor and Rubina are complaining about Angela. They talk about how one of them needs to win HOH next week and get her out. T’Kor also mentions Angela talking about Josh (BB19) when she is also mean.

10:40 PM BBT – Most of the HGs are sleeping again.

10:55 PM BBT – Rubina tells T’Kor that if they made it to the end together she would be okay with T’Kor winning. Says she would probably be happier for T’Kor than herself. Rubina also wonders how Chelsie feels about all this and T’Kor says Chelsie doesn’t seem herself so far this week.

11:05 PM BBT – Angela tells Rubina and T’Kor that she doesn’t know how to approach Kimo after she voted him out twice. She hopes that production gives them stuff to celebrate his birthday on Tuesday.

11:45 PM BBT – Rubina mentions that 8 hours into the HOH comp, Cam and Angela made a deal with Leah.

12:00 AM BBT – T’Kor tells Rubina that if Leah makes it to F2, she’s going to have a hard time getting votes to win.

12:20 AM BBT – T’Kor and Rubina are getting their sleeping bags and setting up their cots for bed.

This is going to be a long week of very little game talk while the HGs are all stuck in the backyard together. Kimo has been nominated three weeks in a row and it’s taking it very well. However, he also didn’t have a one-on-one with Leah prior to the Nomination Ceremony, which is likely why it was delayed from happening until much later in the evening than necessary.

Rubina and T’Kor seem to have settled on the idea that one of them is likely going to be evicted this week instead of fighting to stay. Saturday will bring the Veto Competition, which, as confirmed by the houseguests, will take place in the backyard. If Kimo or Rubina pull off a win, it will likely be T’Kor as a renom unless the trio decides to start throwing their fellow HGs under the bus, which so far, they don’t seem willing to do.

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