After an extended feeds outage and a 10-hour endurance competition that we didn’t get to see, the Big Brother 26 live feeds returned to the houseguests living in the back yard and the new head of household setting up her plans for the week.
The houseguests will be spending their days and nights outside all week as part of the new twist. So there won’t be a lot of places to hide for privacy, but the new HOH was able to hold one on ones and give us an idea of who will be going on the block. Read on to get all of those details.
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Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights โ Tuesday, September 10, 2024:
9:04 AM BBT- Feeds finally return after being down all night. Everyone is living outside as part of the new twist, “Jankie Land.” Leah asks the others “who wants to see my HOH basket.” So Leah is the new Head of Household.
9:30 AM BBT – Leah wants to sleep for a couple of hours then talk to everyone. They were up all night playing an endurance HOH competition.
10:00 AM BBT – HGs are trying to rest up a little since they were up all night.
11:00 AM BBT – Everyone is up. They say it’s too hot too sleep outside.
11:13 AM BBT – Leah is starting her 1:1 conversations. She’s talking to Cam now. She tells him that no one has taken her seriously or included her in anything. She says as soon as she gets close to someone, they’re taken out.
11:20 AM BBT – Cam tells Leah that he would not have touched her or Angela if he was HOH.
11:25 AM BBT – Leah lets Cam know the plan is likely to put up Rubina and Kimo. She tells Cam she can’t put T’Kor up out right, but if one of the two win veto she might have to. Cam says to make sure whoever is next to T’Kor is the target she wants out because who ever sits next to T’Kor will get evicted.
11:32 AM BBT – Leah says she thinks Cam, Chelsie and Makensy still have her back.
11:36 AM BBT – Leah tells Cam she’s scared. He says she shouldn’t be since she’s HOH.
1:12 PM BBT – Rubina and Leah go to talk one on one. Leah lets Rubina know that she is part of her plan (but we can’t be sure if she means her plan this week or her plan moving forward because she tells the same thing to T’Kor).
1:27 PM BBT – In typical Leah fashion, she and Rubina are talking a lot about nothing. She finally tells Rubina she doesn’t know if there even is a right choice for her to make. Rubina tells her she’ll figure out the right thing to do.
1:48 PM BBT – Rubina tells Leah that she’s trying to think of what she would have done as HOH. Leah says she only wanted to nominate guys but that’s not an option for her now (she made a deal with Cam during the competition).
2:50 PM BBT – Leah tells Makensy that T’Kor will have to be her renom option because Leah was a renom option for T’Kor’s HOH. Makensy says she doesn’t know which situation is best – Kimo vs T’Kor or Kimo vs. Rubina. Leah says she can’t initially put T’Kor up because T’Kor didn’t do that to her.
3:03 PM BBT – Chelsie tells Leah to do something that will set her up two to three weeks down the line. She tells Leah to do it and not feel bad about it.
3:14 PM BBT – Chelsie says that there is a clear power structure in the house and anyone would be stupid to not take that down this week. Chelsie says she would have to continue that next week if she were to win the next HOH. Leah asks Chelsie what if T’Kor wins the veto and takes one of them off the block. Chelise says that is not going to happen.
3:35 PM BBT – T’Kor tells Leah how much she respects the way she’s played the game – having been in no alliances and playing the game very under the radar.
3:36 PM BBT – Leah tells T’Kor that she has the best social game in the house. She says she’s never heard anyone say anything negative about her. Leah says T’Kor has been a part of her plan is still a part of her plan. She say she can’t imagine her plan without her. Leah says there’s no way T’Kor will be taken out on her HOH.
4:15 PM BBT – T’Kor and Leah are still talking while everyone else is trying to catch on on the sleep they missed from staying up all night.
4:30 PM BBT – Rubina and T’Kor discuss how they know Rubina and Kimo are going up. T’Kor says if Kimo goes this week, he can fight for them in jury. Rubina tells T’Kor she doesn’t want to put T’Kor in that position – to pick between her and Kimo. T’Kor says Rubina won’t be the one putting her in the position and T’Kor is ready to make that decision this week – to vote out Kimo. T’Kor says and if Rubina wins veto and T’Kor goes up, she’s fine with it. Rubina says and Kimo goes in that situation also.
It sounds like Leah’s initial nominees will be Kimo and Rubina with T’Kor as the possible replacement nominee if the veto is used once again this week. But listening to Leah talk (in circles none the less), it was hard to not pick up on a something else going on inside her head. There could be another plan this week if everything falls into place.
Regardless of what Leah’s ultimate goal is this week, it sounds like Kimo is the one most likely to go if he doesn’t win veto. Even Rubina and T’Kor are ready to send Kimo off to jury over each other.
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