It was Eviction Eve inside the Big Brother 26 house and two of the three nominees spent the night talking to their fellow houseguests. One of this week’s nominees for BB26 seems very comfortable and content with their current situation. A group of Big Brother houseguests spent the night finalizing their plan to flip the vote in one voting scenario, but will they stick to it?
Read on to find out what the Big Brother houseguests talked about on Wednesday night!
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Back up and read the Daytime Highlights Report before moving on to overnight events.
Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights โ Wednesday, August 21, 2024:
4:30 PM BBT – The HGs are having fun scaring each other as they come out of the DR.
5:50 PM BBT – Chelsie tells Joseph that he is not a target for her. Says if she stays, she wants to reevaluate her game and go after people she knows she can’t beat later.
6:05 PM BBT – Quinn talks with Kimo, Rubina, and T’Kor. Says that he thinks that Joseph is in Tucker’s ear and suspects that they have a F2. He asks them who they are voting out if it’s Cam/Chelsie on the block, but they don’t really give an answer. Says he is willing to vote however they want.
6:10 PM BBT – Joseph says that he would like to keep Chelsie in the house.
6:15 PM BBT – Chelsie is reiterating that she is not mad at him at all. Joseph says that if it comes down to it, she will have his vote.
6:20 PM BBT – Rubina and T’Kor are talking in the storage room about voting Cam out Thursday night. Rubina wonders how they would explain that to Tucker and then says Tucker said he wanted to take out the big competitors. They also think they should voice their concerns about keeping Cam.
6:25 PM BBT – Chelsie tells Rubina and T’Kor that if she wins BBAI Arena, she is willing to vote Brooklyn out if that’s what the house wants. Says she will talk to her tonight when she helps her pack. T’Kor asks if Brooklyn wins the arena, would she vote to keep Chelsie and Chelsie says she assumes so.
7:00 PM BBT – Joseph asks Rubina if they were thinking about voting out Cam. Rubina says yes and Joseph says Chelsie is logical and he can’t read Cam at all. He says he will go with whatever is best for all of them.
7:05 PM BBT – Joseph tells Rubina and T’Kor that he talked to Chelsie and that he feels better about her now. He asks them if they talked to Tucker about it yet and says that they probably should. He asks if someone talked to Kimo and T’Kor says he wants Chelsie to stay over Cam too and Quinn will vote however they want.
7:10 PM BBT – Angela is talking to Kimo. He told her why he was feeling down yesterday and she reassures him that Tucker will protect the six and doesn’t think anyone else will get into his head.
7:30 PM BBT – Chelsie tells Brooklyn that she thinks if it’s her and Brooklyn, she thinks they are keeping Brooklyn and if it’s her (C) and Cam, they are keeping Cam. She then tells Brooklyn that she has to win over Chelsie tomorrow night.
7:40 PM BBT – Chelsie reiterates that Brooklyn has to win BBAI Arena tomorrow. It’s the only way they can both stay in the game.
7:43 PM BBT – Brooklyn says how awesome would it be if she won the arena, Chelsie got the votes to stay, and then one of them won HOH.
8:05 PM BBT – Chelsie tells MJ that she thinks that Leah will vote with the house because she doesn’t have any alliances. MJ tells Chelsie that Leah is getting information from Quinn and Joseph though. Chelsie wonders if Quinn and Tucker have something going on and MJ says they could.
8:30 PM BBT – Most of the HGs are hanging out in the upstairs lounge chatting. Kimo is explaining how the pieces on the chess board move to Brooklyn.
9:05 PM BBT – Quinn tells Brooklyn that he will always have love for her and see her succeed and he appreciated playing this game with her. He says that she is going to win BBAI Arena but he really needed to tell her that.
9:10 PM BBT – Tucker and Rubina are holding hands under a blanket while hanging out with everyone in the upstairs lounge.
9:30 PM BBT – Leah snitches to Joseph about Tucker and Rubina holding hands. He says good to know, just wishes they weren’t so obvious about it for both their sake.
9:35 PM BBT – Leah is now telling Brooklyn about Tucker and Rubina. Says that she made Rubina’s bed for her last night and it was never slept in. Leah also mentions that Rubina went off on her when she asked if Rubina was getting enough sleep.
10:10 PM BBT – Quinn asks T’Kor and Rubina how many votes they need this week and T’Kor says five. She says that if Brooklyn takes herself off she knows they have six with Leah because she wants to vote with the house.
10:20 PM BBT – Leah tells Tucker that she suspects that Chelsie is the head of several things in the house. She adds that she is concerned about Rubina because she talked to Chelsie for three hours. Tucker tells her Rubina is just playing it up for the other side.
10:25 PM BBT – Tucker tells Leah that he thinks he could be BD’d next week and that he will be sent home. Leah says that if she wins HOH, she is going to ask him who she should put up because she really has no idea.
10:40 PM BBT – T’Kor tells Quinn and Kimo that she thinks it’s funny that Tucker has been calling people out for having multiple F2s meanwhile he is doing the same. Quinn thinks Joseph and Tucker are something and T’Kor and Kimo agree.
10:45 PM BBT – T’Kor, Quinn, and Kimo speculate that something changed between Leah and Tucker. He used to dislike her but now they are close all of a sudden.
10:50 PM BBT – Quinn points out to Kimo and T’Kor that he thinks Rubina and Tucker were holding hands under the blanket. Says he doesn’t know what’s going on there but if you watch them and T’Kor points out on the HOH TV how close Tucker is sitting next to Rubina in the kitchen.
11:00 PM BBT – Quinn tells Kimo and T’Kor about Brooklyn being a professional dancer. They know that already. Cam comes into the HOH room and the conversation shifts.
11:15 PM BBT – All the guys are listening by the HOH room door trying to hear the girls talking in the kitchen.
11:35 PM BBT – The HNs have started prepping their midnight meals.
11:45 PM BBT – Joseph tells Kimo that he is fine with Chelsie staying this week and taking out Cam if Brooklyn wins BBAI Arena. Joseph tells T’Kor that no matter what they do this week, they have to make sure that Angela feels included.
12:00 AM BBT – The HNs are eating.
12:40 AM BBT – Joseph is telling Angela that they are going to have an alliance meeting and that he had a good chat with Chelsie today.
1:45 AM BBT – Brooklyn tells Chelsie that she overheard Tucker tell Cam he will see him tomorrow night. Adds that he might think that, but it doesn’t mean he’s right.
1:55 AM BBT – Quinn and Joseph are confirming that if Brooklyn wins the arena that they will keep Chelsie over Cam. Joseph says he likes Brooklyn’s odds of winning.
2:00 AM BBT – Chelsie tells Brooklyn that Cam is going to work with whichever one of them stays. Brooklyn says that other than her, she would like to see Quinn win this. Chelsie says that getting Tucker and Quinn out are game winning resume moves.
2:10 AM BBT – 6th Ave wasn’t able to meet so T’Kor tells Rubina that they can chat in the morning.
2:25 AM BBT – Tucker tells Rubina that Chelsie or Brooklyn need to go this week. Says he would be screwed if Chelsie stayed this week and that the other side will align together. Rubina tries to convince Tucker that Cam needs to go this week, but he doesn’t seem to be on board.
2:30 AM BBT – Leah tells T’Kor and Kimo that she has concerns about keeping Chelsie this week. T’Kor tells her that she thinks Cam and Tucker are getting closer and that they would work together.
2:45 AM BBT – Leah does not seem on board with keeping Chelsie this week.
2:55 AM BBT – T’Kor tells Leah that it would build loyalty if they saved Brooklyn this week, but doesn’t think they can get the votes in time.
3:10 AM BBT – Leah leaves the bathroom and Kimo tells T’Kor that they need to be careful about what they say to Leah. He is worried she will run everything back to Tucker and he doesn’t want them in any trouble.
3:25 AM BBT – T’Kor and Kimo consider going to the HOH room to talk to Tucker and Rubina (who are currently “occupied”). They decide to go to bed and talk to them in the morning.
T’Kor, Kimo, and Rubina are still heading toward keeping Chelsie over Cam if Brooklyn should win the BBAI Arena comp on Thursday night. Chelsie made it a point to reiterate the importance of Brooklyn winning it over her several times Wednesday evening.
There is potential that this whole vote flip could blow up in everyone’s face now that T’Kor mentioned saving Brooklyn to Leah. It might be safe to say that Leah is going to run this information to Tucker first thing Thursday morning. That means we might get some Fun Feeds before Thursday night’s live show!
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