After a very hectic Monday inside the Big Brother 26 house, the houseguests spent a lot of time hanging out and relaxing on Tuesday evening. Some of the Big Brother houseguests checked in with alliance members to make sure they were still solid and others spent the day trying to mend relationships that were left rocky after Monday’s Veto Ceremony. There were some plans for next week discussed and some late-night game talk inside the Big Brother house.
Read on to get all the details of what took place on Tuesday evening inside the Big Brother house!
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Back up and read the Daytime Highlights Report before moving on to overnight events.
Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights ā Tuesday, August 6, 2024:
4:30 PM BBT – Some of the HGs are cleaning the bathroom while others are sitting in the living room lounging.
5:50 PM BBT – Tucker and Kimo are talking about how much they trust each other. Kimo gets a little emotional because he thought Tucker was mad at him and Tucker gives him a hug. Cam walks in and interupts the conversation.
6:10 PM BBT – Quinn is in the HN room camtalking. Talks about wanting to make a F2 with Brooklyn, how mad Rubina is, and that he and Angela aren’t fighting anymore.
6:15 PM BBT – Quinn says just because he was exposed, doesn’t mean he’s out.
6:20 PM BBT – Quinn plans to ask Leah if Makensy is going after him. Says if Leah says no, then they can be friends outside the house, but in the house, he will know where her priorities are.
6:24 PM BBT – Quinn tells Joseph that this BBAI Arena is going to be crazy and he wishes they could watch it.
7:10 PM BBT – Kimo opens up to Rubina about not being able to manage his emotions today. Says that his mind is in overdrive and he’s missing the affection he gets from the people he knows and trusts outside of the house.
7:13 PM BBT – Rubina asks if him and T’Kor are good and he says he thinks so, but he feels so bad because he knows she was upset. She asks about Quinn too but Kimo says that he doesn’t know what to say to him.
7:20 PM BBT – Joseph asks Rubina if she is sketched out by the whole Quinn thing. Rubina says no, but Makensy is trying to form something. Says she thinks Makensy brought something to Chelsie and Tucker. Joseph says Tucker might go home and Makensy is deperate.
7:32 PM BBT – T’Kor is checking in with Kimo to see how he is doing. Says he talked to Tucker and got really emotional.
7:35 PM BBT – T’Kor tells Kimo that she loves Tucker, but doesn’t want to work too closely with him because he is a little intense and they can’t take him far.
7:40 PM BBT – T’Kor says that Tucker is a bit of a hypocrite. Says that you can’t have alliances without him knowing, but he can.
8:05 PM BBT – Angela is trying to give Kenney a peptalk again.
8:15 PM BBT – Kimo tells Cam that hearing that he wasn’t seen as a threat really triggered some childhood things.
8:22 PM BBT – Cam is giving Kimo a peptalk. Telling him that he’s been living with Kimo for 22 days now and he hasn’t seen anything other than positivity, good energy, and an overall good person.
8:25 PM BBT – Chelsie asks Quinn if he is using his power next week and he says he is. Says ideally one of them will win and then he will use it and take the attention off other people. Says that as long as Kenny, Tucker, Angela, or Makensy don’t win, they are good.
8:27 PM BBT – Cam is dishing out the peptalks. He tells Angela that he thinks she is a strong woman and that her previous actions don’t define who she is as a person.
8:35 PM BBT – It’s dinner time for the HGs.
10:15 PM BBT – Feeds return from an extended WBRB screen. Most of the HGs are outside talking by the hammock about who they miss from home.
10:35 PM BBT – Quinn campaigns for America to not vote for him as a replacement nom. Says he was outed, it was cruel, it was hurtful, tears were shed. In this moment you have to pick someone up who is down, so don’t vote for him.
10:45 PM BBT – Cheslie asks each HG to name two people they think will be the replacement nom. Seems like Quinn, Rubina, and Leah are the top three among the HGs predictions.
10:50 PM BBT – HGs are all playing Mafia now.
12:50 AM BBT – Cedric checks in with T’Kor to see if she is still good with The Collective, she says she is. Quinn mentions that Rubina was really hurt and he is worried that she won’t even like him in the real world. Says that he can provide safety for the group next week so hopefully that will make up for it.
12:52 AM BBT – Quinn talks about sleeping in the HN room because he has been sleepwalking the last couple of nights.
1:00 AM BBT – All the HGs are getting ready for bed aside from Quinn, T’Kor, and Kimo who are meeting outside at the hammock.
1:10 AM BBT – Kimo mentions that he heard there was an inner alliance within The Collective. Quinn accidentally mentions the Pentagon to Kimo and T’Kor when he tells them that he thinks he could swing Brooklyn because she wants to F2 with him since they were added to it last. Tells them he shouldn’t have mentioned the name and asks them to delete that word from their vocabulary.
1:25 AM BBT – T’Kor tells Kimo that she doesn’t want Leah to be the one outside of The Collective to make it to jury. She would rather it be Rubina. Kimo agrees.
1:28 AM BBT – T’Kor and Kimo seem to believe parts of what Quinn was saying, but they need to ask him directly about all his F2. T’Kor doesn’t like that Quinn wants to take shots at Chelsie and Cam because they are resume builders for him. She also mentions that if he does that and then one of them is sitting next to him at the end, Quinn will win against one of them.
1:35 AM BBT – T’Kor, Cedric, and Quinn are outside talking about Tucker. Cedric tells Quinn that if he ends up going up and is in the BBAI Arena, he hopes he beats Tucker and gloats about it. Cedric mentions that Tucker’s strategy is to win a few comps, show that he’s a comp beast, and then intimidate people into not putting him up. T’Kor agrees.
1:50 AM BBT – Cedric and T’Kor are talking about Rubina and Tucker and Quinn using his power next week. T’Kor says that it’s important that The Collective continues to protect each other, but they have to do it in a way that doesn’t make it obvious that they are working together. Cedric agrees.
1:52 AM BBT – T’Kor tells Cedric that she still has a lot of doubts about Quinn. She says she really needs to talk to him and says that he has multiple F2s and F3s and not all of them are with people inside The Collective. She says she believes that Quinn is really in with The Collective now because they are the only ones he has in the house now.
2:20 AM BBT – Cedric goes to bed and T’Kor stays up to talk to the cams. Says she doesn’t want an all-girls alliance but she also doesn’t want a man to dictate how she should play her game. Says she would like to see one of the girls or Kimo win this season.
2:40 AM BBT – Cedric is camtalking in the HOH room says he is worried that if Quinn is on the block on Thursday and doesn’t win the BBAI Arena, that someone in The Collective will flip and he could be evicted.
Many of the HGs think that Quinn could end up being the replacement nom for Week 3 of Big Brother, but he is pretty confident even if he does end up on the block, that he will be safe come Thursday’s eviction. As Cedric said tonight, it only takes one person from inside The Collective to flip that vote this week. Based on what some of the HGs have talked about, it doesn’t seem like all the members of his alliance trust him completely which could make for an interesting vote on Thursday night.
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