Big Brother 26 Live Feeds Week 3: Tuesday Daytime Highlights

It was a much milder day in the Big Brother 26 house as the houseguests decided to chill out a bit after all the drama that went down on Monday. There has been little to no drama so far today and the houseguests have begun their debate on who to send packing this week. And of course that all depends on who is still on the block when it’s time to vote.

It sounds like so far the consensus is Kenney or Tucker goes if they are sitting next to America’s nominee. But if it’s Kenney or Tucker, everyone is still weighing those options. Read on to find out what everyone thinks about the looming eviction this week.

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Read the Monday Night Highlights Report before moving on to the latest events.

Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, August 5, 2024:

9:51 AM BBT – Feeds return after houseguests get their wake-up call.

10:22 AM BBT – Tucker, Leah and Rubina discuss Cedric knowing what Tucker was going to do and how he so obviously lied about not knowing. Leah says she definitely does not trust Quinn now.

11:21 AM BBT – Makensy tells Chelsie that Tucker came to her about an alliance with with them, Brooklyn and maybe Cam. Makensy says Tucker mentioned Rubina but she doesn’t think Rubina would be good for them.

12:18 PM BBT – Kenney tells Cam that if it’s Kenney and Tucker on the block Thursday night, it would be insane not to send Kenney home. He says he’s at peace with it.

12:40 PM BBT – Kimo and Rubina talk about how they feel off after what happened the day before.

12:19 PM BBT – Kenney is annoyed Brooklyn is saying he called her the head of th snake, He says he never said anyone was a snake. Kenney says this game just isn’t for him. He says he likes the competitions but he doesn’t like the social aspect.

2:18 PM BBT – Cedric tells Brooklyn he is fine as long as either Tucker, Kenney, Angela and Makensy goes home this week and next.

2:30 PM BBT – Angela is cleaning up the house.

2:35 PM BBT – Joseph and Chelsie say they need to figure out who goes if it’s Tucker and Kenney on the block Thursday night. Joseph says it would be easier for him to send Kenney out than Tucker. But he says if Tucker is coming after Cedric and Quinn then he would have to vote out Tucker.

2:38 PM BBT – Chelsie says Makensy would rather Tucker stay. Joseph says he thinks Leah prefers for Kenney to stay. Chelsie says she’s OK with either situation. They agree whoever America puts up is safe no matter what.

2:39 PM BBT – Joseph is worried Kenney will come after him. Chelsie says she thinks Kenney would go after Brooklyn first and maybe herself.

2:41 PM BBT – Joseph says he thinks Tucker will win the Arena competition. Chelsie says she doesn’t think Tucker will win it this time.

2:42 PM BBT – Chelsie and Joseph seem to agree that they’d rather Kenney go over Tucker if they are the two on the block at the end of Thursday night.

2:53 PM BBT – Brooklyn and Makensy think Quinn will work with the HOH instead of just taking over their power (unless the HOH is Tucker).

2:56 PM BBT – Makensy tells Brooklyn she wants Tucker to win the Arena so they can just finally let Kenney go home.

3:00 PM BBT – Houseguests are all hanging out in the backyard.

3:48 PM BBT – Joseph and Kimo talk about whether or not there could be a battle back this season. Joseph says they’ve done both pre-jury and jury battle backs.

3:57 PM BBT – Brooklyn and Kimo discuss how people are allowed to be in other alliances and groups as long as their loyalties lie in the main group.

3:58 PM BBT – Kimo tells Brooklyn and Chelsie he’s feeling inadequate. They tell him that’s silly since he has actually won a competition.

4:15 PM BBT – Housguests are cleaning or just hanging out.

It’s definitely safe to say that the houseguests were recovering from all the drama the day before. And like the other two weeks before, we can’t be totally sure who is going home. Based on conversations today, it sounds like most people are leaning toward keeping Tucker over Kenney. But if it’s either of them again America’s nominee, then Tucker or Kenney go home.

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