Big Brother 26 Live Feeds Week 2: Friday Night Highlights

There was minimal fallout after the Nomination Ceremony took place inside the Big Brother 26 house on Friday evening since most of the noms were expected. This week’s target on Big Brother has been told by the Head of Household that they are not the target to keep the peace in the house. However, there is a consensus between the other Big Brother houseguests about how this week will go depending on the Veto winner on Saturday.

Angela and Lisa have already started campaigning for Veto players, but all the houseguests seem to want to keep the nominations the same this week. While one houseguest did agree to play the Veto for one of the noms, he later mentioned that he would throw the competition in order to not live up to that promise. Read on to get all the details of what went on inside the Big Brother 26 house overnight on Friday!

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Back up and read the Daytime Highlights Report before moving on to overnight events.

Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Friday, July 26, 2024:

4:35 PM BBT – Feeds return from the Nomination Ceremony. Lisa is telling Rubina she is just going to have to fight this whole game. Angela is in the kitchen looking super emotional and everyone is hugging Kenney. Looks like Nominations went to plan and Angela, Kenney, and Lisa are on the block.

4:40 PM BBT – Makensy is telling Lisa that she isn’t the target this week (she is definitely the target). Meanwhile, Chelsie is telling Angela that she is sorry. Angela tells her she had a job to do but she’s worried that Lisa is going to overturn it (with her nonexistent power).

4:50 PM BBT – Chelsie tells Makensy, T’Kor and Came that the reality of it is, everyone who went on the block initially last week are still here. There is still a lot of game left to be played.

4:55 PM BBT – Kenney says if he comes off the block and Lisa and Angela are the ones up there, he isn’t voting Lisa out.

5:00 PM BBT – Chelsie says that she hopes Tucker gets picked to play Veto, but adds that Kenney also wants him to play. Meanwhile, Kenney and Lisa are talking in the backyard about the power. Lisa says that she thinks Angela has it but Kenney says no way. He thinks Makensy has it and that’s why Matt got so close to her.

5:05 PM BBT – Kenney tells Lisa that if he won HOH, he would have put Joseph and Quinn on the block together with the hopes of splitting them up.

5:10 PM BBT – Cedric asks Rubina who she would send home this week and she tells him either Lisa or Angela.

5:15 PM BBT – Cam tells Chelsie that he was expecting her to put him up as a pawn, but she tells him it is too early for her to do something like that. Cam tells her that Leah is going to win HOH eventually which is why they have to keep her close right now. Adds that once Makensy is gone, she won’t have anyone else.

5:40 PM BBT – Lisa tells T’Kor that she can’t wait to win HOH so she can put people on the block who haven’t been up yet. She adds that she is afraid that she will be singled out every week.

5:55 PM BBT – Chelsie is camtalking about how she doesn’t trust Cam. Says he is too close to the other side of the house including Leah, Lisa, and Makensy. She really hopes Tucker wins Veto tomorrow.

6:00 PM BBT – Chelsie says she is going to use Makensy and her power to her advantage.

6:43 PM BBT – Chelsie is filling Brooklyn in on her thought process with the noms. She tells Brooklyn that Makensy and Leah had offered Cam as a pawn and pitched it to him. She said she didn’t do it, even though he was good with it, because she felt she needed to stay loyal. Adds that now Cam wants them to keep Leah close and it’s making her feel iffy about him.

6:45 PM BBT – Chelsie tells Brooklyn that Makensy has the power and what it does. Says she is good if Lisa exposes her power because they at least have Makensy on their side.

6:55 PM BBT – Angela and Tucker are chatting outside. Sounds like she is giving him a peptalk.

7:05 PM BBT – Lisa asks Chelsie if she is the target and Chelsie tells her no (she is). She says that of the three people she put on the block, she expects Lisa to take herself down.

7:10 PM BBT – Lisa tells Chelsie she didn’t feel blindsided and Chelsie says good. She said she would have talked to her if she had time, but when she asked if she could talk to two more people (before noms) they told her no. Lisa says she thinks she knows who the consensus is. Chelsie says the consensus is Angela but she would be okay with either of them (Angela or Kenney) going this week.

7:25 PM BBT – Kenney tells Leah that some people are saying her or Makensy could be the renom this week.

7:30 PM BBT – Kenney tells Leah he thinks Joseph was the third vote for Matt to stay.

7:35 PM BBT – Chelsie tells Lisa that Angela and Kenney were easy noms for her. Says she was between a handful of HGs for the third. Lisa asks who and then says never mind, don’t tell her.

7:40 PM BBT – Lisa asks Chelsie if she would be okay with someone else using the Veto on her if they win. Says she asked some people but they want to honor Chelsie’s HOH. Chelsie says she really doesn’t want to have to put someone else up.

8:10 PM BBT – Brooklyn is giving Angela a peptalk. Tells her that she has tomorrow and if it doesn’t happen tomorrow, she still has the BBAI Arena comp.

8:20 PM BBT – Angela tells Brooklyn that she wouldn’t want to win HOH again but if she did, she would do it differently.

8:35 PM BBT – Leah, Quinn, and Angela are speculating on what kind of comp the Veto will be. Angela hopes it’s not a puzzle comp.

8:40 PM BBT – Angela asks Quinn if he will play Veto for her and he says absolutely and that he really wants to play.

8:50 PM BBT – Quinn asks Leah how her conversation with Chelsie went. She says it went amazing and she doesn’t feel like she’s in trouble at all this week. Quinn tells her that he talked to Brooklyn about how he had a good conversation with Leah and that she would be down to work with them. Brooklyn seemed on board.

8:55 PM BBT – Leah tells Quinn that she hates that Lisa is following her because she doesn’t want to be associated with her and doesn’t want people to think they are working together. She also mentions that she talked to Kenney and she thinks he trusts her.

9:00 PM BBT – Leah asks Quinn if he wants Angela out this week or if they are good. He tells her that Angela is too unpredictable and he only wanted to work with her before because she was well liked in the house at first.

9:05 PM BBT – Angela tells Kimo and Kenney that she is excited for the Veto comp, but she isn’t sure if she can pull it off.

9:35 PM BBT – Rubina, Cedric, and T’Kor are sitting in and by the hammock. They notice how giddy Cam gets around Leah. Cedric says he tried to warn Cam about getting too close to her. T’Kor says because we know what happened last time (Matt). Rubina says he’s having so much fun though, she feels bad. They laugh about him giggling.

9:55 PM BBT – Angela asks T’Kor if she would have her vote if she was on the block on Thursday or if she gets picked to play Veto will she use the Veto on her. T’Kor says she would like to see what Chelsie wants before giving her an answer but that she doesn’t want to see Angela go anywhere.

10:00 PM BBT – Angela tells T’Kor to keep playing the game she is playing because everyone loves her. When T’Kor leaves the bathroom, Angela talks to herself about how it’s interesting that T’Kor isn’t thinking for herself this week and wants to do what Chelsie wants. Says this confirms they have a group already.

10:35 PM BBT – Quinn, Angela, Kimo, and Joseph are sitting around the hottub talking about the BBAI Arena comp on Thursday. Kimo mentions that when they were coming down the stairs it was like Matt already knew his fate because he was tearing up as they were walking down the stairs.

10:50 PM BBT – Angela heads inside. Joseph tells Quinn and Kimo that he isn’t in a bit alliance. Says he tried that with Angela and it didn’t work out. He does think there is something going on that he doesn’t know about.

10:55 PM BBT – Quinn, Joseph, and Kimo think that Leah was truthful when she said she wasn’t talking game with people (she has been with Quinn). Joseph says that right now he doesn’t think the three of them are in immediate danger because Angela and Kenney are still targets after Lisa. He adds if they aren’t being included in things, that’s not good. He says he is going to check in with Chelsie tomorrow.

11:00 PM BBT – Kimo tells Joseph, Quinn, and T’Kor how Angela was glaring out the window during breakfast this morning. Quinn adds that when Angela saw T’Kor, Cedric, and Chelsie outside that she said “that’s the group” and Quinn instantly thought that if that’s the group they should associate with them. T’Kor brings up how Angela asks Quinn to play and he tells her that he said he would but he would throw it.

11:05 PM BBT – Chelsie asks Cedric if Cam is with the Pentagon or with Leah? He says logically, Cam should be with the Pentagon. She is just trying to figure out if he is with them or playing them. She says that when she brought up the idea of putting Leah up, Cam told her to leave Leah alone and said we needed her.

11:05 PM BBT – Cedric asks Chelsie what the best play is if one of the noms comes down. She says either Leah or Cam could go up. She tells Cedric that Cam was okay with going up initially as a pawn.

11:10 PM BBT – Cedric and Chelsie talk more about Cam not being loyal because of Leah. Cedric says that Quinn, Brooklyn, and him will support Chelsie if she thinks Cam is not being loyal. Cedric says that the four of them should get together and talk about the Cam issue.

11:25 PM BBT – Cedric tells Chelsie that Makensy seems more manageable than Leah. Chelsie says she isn’t picking Cam for Veto if she gets HG choice and that she would pick Tucker, Kimo, or Joseph instead.

12:00 PM BBT – Most of the HGs have gone to bed. Makensy and Rubina are in the kitchen talking about their alliance with Brooklyn, Leah, and Chelsie and how they all have to stick together.

12:15 AM BBT – Leah mentions to Rubina and Makensy that she found condoms in the storage room. Rubina and Makensy tell her they have been in there and they all jok that they should hide them around the house for everyone else to find.

12:30 AM BBT – Makensy and Rubina are talking in the kitchen. Makensy is opening up about her relationship with Matt.

1:15 AM BBT – Makensy, Rubina, and Leah all head to bed.

As of right now, Lisa is very much the target for Week 2 of Big Brother 26. If Lisa manages to pull herself off the block then the target will shift to Kenney since he is so adamant about wanting to go home and be with his family. However, this could all change depending on how Angela acts throughout the week and how fed up with her paranoia the other houseguests get.

Speaking of paranoia, Chelsie is starting to get a little paranoid about where Cam’s true allegiances lie inside the house and is contemplating putting him or Leah on the block if one of the noms comes down this week to see how he reacts. Cedric does have plans to talk to Cam on Saturday about his relationship with Leah. Meanwhile, Quinn is the person they should be worried about because he has been sharing a lot of information with Leah lately.

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