Tuesday brought on some game talk inside the Big Brother 26 house as the final Veto winner continued to weigh the options for this week’s eviction. Chelsie also talked about the importance of locking down the other two Big Brother houseguests in F3 with her so that she is sitting in one of the F2 chairs no matter what happens in the final HOH. Read on to find out what the BB26 houseguests had to say throughout the day on Tuesday!
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Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights โ Tuesday, October 8, 2024:
11:17 AM BBT – In what might be the latest wake-up in history, the HGs are told to rise and shine by BB.
11:21 AM BBT – Rubina is keeping up her job as the official fishkeeper by offering them some breakfast.
11:30 AM BBT – Cam is already playing a game of solitaire.
12:00 PM BBT – The houseguest are planing on tie-dying shirts today.
12:08 PM BBT – Cam has traded in the cards for some backgammon with Makensy.
12:30 PM BBT – Chelsie is complaining to Live Feeders that she is annoyed by the people she’s living with. She says it took them forever to figure out how to play backgammon.
12:31 PM BBT – Chelsie talks to the cameras and says she won’t know until Sunday, but part of her feels very confident that she will win the game if she sits in the final 2 chairs.ย Chelsie says the next hurdle for her is to win one or two of the final rounds of the HOH. She says she needs to be the one to decide who should go to the Final 2 with her. She says she needs to lock in Cam and Makensy to make sure no matter who wins the final HOH they will take her.
12:39 PM BBT – Cam is still reading the rules to backgammon. He, Makensy and Rubina don’t understand how the scores work in backgammon.
2:10 PM BBT – Rubina and Makensy are going to tie-dye.
2:20 PM BBT – Makensy ditched the tie-dye idea and goes up to the HOH. Says that her anxiety is at a 10 and Rubina hasn’t talked to her yet. Chelsie mentions that Rubina will probably talk to her tonight and that maybe Rubina is anxious too.
2:40 PM BBT – Makensy thinks that Rubina and Cam hate that Makensy sleeps in the HOH. Chelsie doubts it. Makensy says that she is going to tell Rubina that as much as she wants all three women to go to F3 that she is worried Rubina will beat her if she is sitting next to her in F2.
2:45 PM BBT – Chelsie and Makensy believe that Rubina has a winning resume. Says that she still has to make it to F2 to argue it though. Makensy doesn’t think that Cam has a winning resume.
2:50 PM BBT – Makensy is claiming that she told Rubina that she would protect her when Tucker was evicted. Says she protected Kimo too until she had to get rid of him.
3:30 PM BBT – Chelsie is in the HOH room playing cards while Rubina plays cards in the kitchen.
4:55 PM BBT – Chelsie tells Cam that she would do something like BB again, but would need to do two years od therapy first. She also wouldn’t want it to be for three months.
5:00 PM BBT – Cam and Chelsie talk about how they are both worried about how they have been perceived. Chelsie says that BB fans are very hard on HGs and Cam says he heard that too.
5:05 PM BBT – Cam doesn’t think his friends are watching the show. Says they might watch on Thursdays to see if he is on the block. Says they might have a group chat to keep up too.
5:25 PM BBT – Makensy tells Cam that Rubina still hasn’t come to talk to her but she is still on the same track. Says she just wants to keep him updated because he asked her to.
5:30 PM BBT – Makensy tells Cam that him wanting to keep Kimo over Rubina made her feel like she would keep him over Makensy. He says that his relationship with Kimo was better than his relationship with Rubina. Says that he would not have kept Kimo over Makensy though. He says his loyalty has always been with her and Chelsie.
5:33 PM BBT – Chelsie comes in and tells Makensy and Cam that she thinks Rubina is feeling a way. Makensy says she should. She would rather tie-dye than talk.
5:50 PM BBT – Cam, Rubina, and Chelsie are speculating on whether Quinn and Leah have gotten together yet.
6:00 PM BBT – Makensy is preping to cook dinner.
6:30 PM BBT – Earlier, Rubina asked BB for better tie-dye instructions. Apparently they laminated the how-to sheet that they already had and gave it back to them.
7:15 PM BBT – The HGs are eating dinner.
7:30 PM BBT – The HGs are talking about not wanting to go right back to work after they leave to give themselves time to process and decompress.
8:00 PM BBT – Cam and Chelsie are playing cards at the kitchen table.
8:53 PM BBT – The HGs are finally tie-dying.
10:20 PM BBT – Now that tie-dying is over, Chelsie is going up to the HOH to take a bath. Cam, Rubina, and Makensy are chatting in the kitchen.
10:35 PM BBT – Cam, Rubina, and Makensy are playing around with the scraps of the shirts they made into crop tops. They have Cam wearing one as a tube top.
11:25 PM BBT – Makensy goes up to the HOH room. She is complaining again that Rubina hasn’t talked to her yet.
11:55 PM BBT – Looks like Cam is heading to bed early tonight.
12:40 AM BBT – Chelsie heads downstairs, leaving Makensy and Rubina alone in the HOH room. Moments later, Makensy follows Chelsie downstairs instead of talking to Rubina.
12:45 AM BBT – Rubina camtalks in the HOH room after Chelsie and Makensy go downstairs. Says she thinks Makensy is avoiding her, but she is still waiting for her one-on-one with her to happen.
1:45 AM BBT – Makensy and Chelsie are circling around the same conversations again. Makensy still doesn’t know who to evict. During this conversation, Makensy asks Chelsie if her and Cam ever had a F2, Chelsie denies it.
2:10 AM BBT – Makensy is in the HOH room still talking to Chelsie while Rubina sits downstairs by herself. Rubina says to herself that no matter what happens she is proud of herself.
2:30 AM BBT – Makensy is still bothered by Rubina not admitting to the Underdog alliance (it never happened).
2:35 AM BBT – Rubina got called to the DR.
2:50 AM BBT – Chelsie tells Makensy that she thinks Rubina is feeling it. Makensy says that maybe she should have a conversation then. Chelsie asks when have her and Kimo ever had conversations. Makensy says that doesn’t matter.
2:55 AM BBT – Chelsie tells Makensy that she shouldn’t tell Rubina what she is doing. Makensy says she isn’t telling Cam either.
3:05 AM BBT – Makensy and Chelsie are in bed, lights out, still talking. Makensy is talking about how she has to evict Rubina to her face on Thursday. Then hopes to do the same to Cam after she wins the final HOH.
Makensy approached Cam on Tuesday and gave him an update on where she stood at this point in the week. She also continues to be annoyed about Rubina not approaching her to chat yet when she has had since Friday to do so. Makensy plans to talk more with Cam on Wednesday and ask Rubina about some things she is looking for clarity on. At this point, Makensy seems set on evicting Rubina on Thursday regardless of what happens during these conversations.
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