Big Brother 26 Live Feeds Week 4: Saturday Highlights

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Veto Day delivered for us this week on Big Brother 26 as the Houseguests had plenty to talk about with the latest round of Noms, the Deepfake HOH, and some upcoming changes at Monday’s Veto Meeting. This group is keeping the Big Brother Live Feeds moving!

Quinn had just played his Deepfake upgrade power to get Tucker, Makensy, and Cedric on the Block so they could try and box Tucker in, but that didn’t work so great. Now the house mystery is whether Tucker will play crazy again or watch out for his own game this time around. I’m thinking it’s the latter, but these HGs aren’t sure what to expect with him.

Read on to find out what happened on Saturday around the Veto competition and planning for the upcoming ceremony.

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Back up and read the Overnight Highlights Report before moving on to Saturday’s events.

Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights – Saturday, August 10, 2024:

7:30 AM BBT – HGs got their wake up call.

7:50 AM BBT – Tucker questions Cedric if he volunteered because that’s what he’s hearing.

7:55 AM BBT – Angela advises Cedric to try and smooth things over with Tucker.

8:40 AM BBT – Pet loops for player picks.

9:00 AM BBT – Feeds are back. Joseph discussing playing in the Veto. (Brooklyn was also picked.)

9:25 AM BBT – HGs hanging around in the kitchen discussing what Veto comps they haven’t seen in recent years including Hide & Go Veto which seems to have stopped (possibly because it WRECKS the place!).

9:30 AM BBT – Joseph is trying to convince Tucker that he already promised Cedric he’d save him with the Veto. Tucker suggests Joseph could just go back on that offer. Joseph says he can save Cedric and then Tucker will have less competition in the Arena, but Tucker doesn’t want to see Rubina renom’d (she is the current plan).

10:45 AM BBT – Quinn and Joseph agree that Tucker will still probably be in the house next week since he has both the Veto and Arena for possible outs, even with Cedric competing against him in at least the Veto.

11:15 AM BBT – Brooklyn discusses the Veto possibilities with Chelsie. Brooklyn is thinking of not using the Veto if she wins and then could tell Tucker it’d be because Rubina would be renom’d. She also suggests they could make it messy this week but saving Cedric and getting Rubina renom’d so then Tucker has to decide between saving his own game in the Arena or letting Rubina get it.

11:30 AM BBT – Brooklyn has the same talk with T’kor and Kimo that she’ll tell Tucker she can’t use the Veto out of worry that Rubina goes up.

11:40 AM BBT – Angela telling T’kor and Kimo that she’d never put them up because they’re the light hearted part of the house.

12:00 PM BBT – Feeds cut for the Veto comp.

2:55 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Tucker won the Veto.

3:00 PM BBT – Brooklyn and Chelsie discuss trying to dissuade Tucker from using the Veto by telling him that Rubina will be the renom and she’ll get evicted if she goes up. Chelsie thinks that’s too risky for Brooklyn to try and tell Tucker.

3:30 PM BBT – Cedric asks and Angela agrees, she will tiebreak in his favor on Thursday if needed.

3:45 PM BBT – T’kor worries to Kimo that Leah is well protected by her three guys (Cedric, Joseph, and Quinn). They agree to target Makensy for eviction this week.

3:55 PM BBT – T’kor pitches to Chelsie the idea of making Leah the renom instead of Rubina. Chelsie is doubtful they can make that happen because Quinn likes Leah.

4:25 PM BBT – Joseph and Cedric discuss that Makensy is more of a threat than Rubina, so they’ll vote out Makensy over her on Thursday.

5:30 PM BBT – Chelsie warns Brooklyn this plan to discourage Tucker on using the Veto on himself won’t work. They plan to just vote out Makensy instead of Rubina.

5:45 PM BBT – Joseph warns Tucker that Cam said they’d just get Tucker out next week. Tucker really wants to win HOH so he can nominate Cam, Cedric, and Leah.

5:55 PM BBT – Quinn tries to convince Joseph to warn Tucker against using the Veto because of a Rubina renom. Joseph says that won’t work.

7:30 PM BBT – Tucker lets Cam know he expects Quinn to renom Rubina but he doesn’t care and is just staying near her because she’s close to Brooklyn.

8:05 PM BBT – Joseph thinks it’s possible that production will increase Jury to 9 so they can more likely keep Tucker in the show.

8:50 PM BBT – Tucker jokingly tells Makensy he could use the Veto on her then he’d go beat Cedric in the Arena. Makensy says she’s not opposed to that idea. Tucker wants more info in return though.

9:05 PM BBT – Chelsie confirming her plans to vote to keep Cedric.

9:35 PM BBT – Brooklyn reaffirms to Chelsie that she’s good with Makensy going this week. They agree she doesn’t add anything for them.

11:00 PM BBT – HGs hanging around in the backyard telling stories.

11:20 PM BBT – Makensy shares with Leah that Tucker has promised her his vote to stay if she’s on the Block.

12:00 AM BBT – Quinn confirms his plans to renom Rubina when talking with Kimo and T’kor.

12:20 AM BBT – Quinn pitching to T’kor and Kimo that they need to get together with Rubina, Leah, and Joseph to form their own group. Neither seem excited by that pitch.

12:30 AM BBT – Tucker tells Angela and Rubina that he said he’d save Makensy so he’d face Cedric in the Arena. “Don’t you dare,” Angela tells Tucker. Sounds like Tucker explained he was saying that to mislead Quinn on his renom pick, he doesn’t really plan to do that. Tucker wants HGs to remember they can’t trust Quinn and plans to keep calling him out. Next he wants to call out Cam if he gets power.

1:00 AM BBT – Rubina talking to Angela about how HGs think she (R) is in a showmance with Tucker. Angela had no idea.

Okay, Tucker is going to save himself. No way he’s throwing his chance away to protect Rubina. Tucker wants to fight his threats in the backyard, win some control, and take a few of them down a peg or two. Meanwhile we need to get some of these sideline players in the action, but it’s still early on BB26.

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