Big Brother 26: Counting The Votes In Week 7

Here we are once again trying to count the Big Brother 26 votes without really knowing what’s going on. That is the wonder of this season if you’re a watcher, but if you’re a writer covering the show, it’s been a bit of a curse. But I’ll take it. The AI Arena twist has been refreshing and I’ve very much enjoyed the uncertainty and split votes (and blindsides).

So let’s see if we can figure out what’s going on this week. As you’ll see in tonight’s episode the veto was used for the seventh week in a row. Leah removed Angela from the block and Quinn named Joseph as the replacement nominee. As of now, Quinn’s target is Kimo if he’s still on the block after the arena. If it’s Rubina and Joseph, Quinn wants Joseph to stay. But Quinn’s wishes might not be granted this week depending on the Arena outcome.

For a moment, Chelsie, T’Kor and Angela want to keep Rubina and Kimo. Then Chelsie decided that Rubina is the glue holding together T’Kor and Kimo, so she wants to make sure Joseph stay over Rubina. The woman’s alliance rumblings are growing stronger and Chelsie and T’Kor really want there to be an all-woman Final 6. So that’s where this decision could lay. Getting Makesny and Leah on board is the only task, and it might not be that hard of a task. Cam might be the one man standing in the way, though, as Chelsie has been protecting him all season and now he and Makensy have sparked up a bit of a cuddle-mance. So who really knows if this will play out as dramatically as the rest of this season has.

So let’s look at some voting scenarios.

Rubina vs. Kimo

Votes to evict Rubina: ย T’Kor maybe for a Kimo sympathy but not likely.

Votes to evict Kimo: Chelsie, Leah, Makensy, Angela, Cam

Rubina vs. Joseph

Votes to evict Rubina: Cam, Leah, Makensy, Angela

Votes to evict Joseph: T’Kor, Kimo

Kimo vs. Joseph

Votes to evict Kimo: Cam (again, if he’s left out)

Votes to evict Joseph: Chelsie, T’Kor, Rubina, Makensy, Leah, Angela

So we could end up with another flip and/or blindside this week. And if that happens, Quinn should just throw in the towel this season because he will have pretty much failed at every turn of this game. But if we don’t see this flip (or of Joseph wins the Arena competition), then Kimo or Rubina will go home on a nearly-unanimous decision. Zzzz. Right now Chelsie is kind of deciding how this plays out. And it looks like she’s not ready to include Rubina in the women’s alliance (I don’t think she’ll ever really let it happen anyway because of Cam).




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