Big Brother 26 Live Feeds: Blindside Brewing And Another Veto Play?

Houseguest Chelsie Baham on BB26 - CBS
Houseguest Chelsie Baham on BB26 – CBS

That Veto just won’t stop. It’s the gift that keeps on giving for Big Brother 26 and just went we thought it was done and gone, much like Freddy or Jason, this one might be coming back to life again!

As recently as this morning I was convinced our amazing Veto streak of nine consecutive weeks of saves and renoms was about to come to an end. But then an amazing thing happened. Chelsie pulled up beside Makensy, climbed inside her head, and fixed that whole Leah problem.

Here we go with how this all came together. Earlier this afternoon Makensy talked with Chelsie and mentioned she heard that Leah had told Rubina she (L) wanted to get Chelsie out. Well that’s all you need to know, right? Time for Leah to head to Jury!

Chelsie took Cam along to talk with Makensy in the kitchen a little after 1PM BBT. Chelsie is pushing that Leah does not have Makensy’s best interests and could be working against her. She notes to Makensy if they get Angela out this week then Leah will only be deeper into trying to manipulate Makensy. Chelsie argues that if instead they get Leah out while keeping Angela then Angela will come to their side instead of going to Rubina and Kimo.

Cam chimes in that Makensy should take this shot at Leah because you never know when you’ll get it again. Makensy counters that next week everyone will be going after Leah though. Chelsie argues what’s the plan if Leah gets HOH though because then Leah would be targeting the three of them together. Chelsie mentions here that Leah told Rubina that she (L) was going to go after Chelsie but it wasn’t the right time.

Quick aside, you’ll remember last week with Leah’s Jankie veto? She was supposedly planning to use that Veto to renom Chelsie but failed at the basic challenge of knocking over those cans, so she never got the opportunity to save Rubina and renom Kimo.

Leah Peters in Jankie World - CBS
Leah Peters in Jankie World – CBS

Anyway, Chelsie starts to pour it on thick telling Makensy that this would be a Jury-vote earning move because they all want to see it happen. Cam chimes in that Leah is the “BIGGEST threat” in the game. Ehhh, okay.

Fast forward and you’ve got Makensy talking next with Rubina. Rubina points out that Leah probably wants a F3 with Angela and Cam. Makensy says she’s thinking of saving Kimo and renom’ing Leah. Well that’s a shift from saving Angela instead, but okay. Considering Chelsie was positioning Angela as coming to them after Leah goes, why would Makensy then not save Angela? It’s not like Kimo is going to rush to Makensy’s side. He’ll have Rubina. Angela would have just lost her ally in Leah. Sheesh.

The talk continues with Rubina and Makensy as it sounds like Makensy is pretty set on this. She tells Rubina that she just has to figure it out, but so far she thinks this is a good move to make. Well alright, let’s see it happen then Makensy.

Leah Peters on BB26 - CBS
Leah Peters on BB26 – CBS

The Veto meeting is coming up on Monday and after I was sure this Veto streak was coming to an end it now does look like we’ll get another record setting round with the tenth straight Veto use. Wowza! And for Makensy to target Leah so suddenly after Chelsie applied the lightest pressure. Chelsie is impressive and if she keeps pulling off these moves then we should start hearing about Chelsie’s Mist too one day.

What do you think of this idea? Will Makensy regret getting out Leah or is it the right decision for her game?



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