Big Brother 26 Alliances: A Trio And Two Duos Remain

Big Brother 26 has given us so much drama. So many firsts. And so many alliances – failed alliances, but alliances nonetheless. And with 7 houseguests remaining, we have a very rare house dynamic of one trio and two duos. So let’s take a look at those groups.

The Trio: Chelsie, Cam and Makensy

I find it pretty hilarious that for most of the season the houseguests are focused on another trio – one much weaker than this one. And I think Lean is regretting (or will be soon) focusing on that weaker trio as this much stronger trio is likely getting her sent out this week. But among the trio, there someone else playing even worst than Leah did last week by focusing on T’Kor instead of Chelsie and Cam. And that’s Makensy, who is really the third wheel of this trio. And this week she’s doing their dirty work by going after her most solid ally – Leah. Makensy would have benefited so much more by joining Angela and Leah. But I think she believes that Chelsie will pick her over Cam. Which she won’t.

Duo 1: Rubina and Kimo

This pair is a threat to no one. They can’t win competitions. They don’t have a grasp on the game. I don’t think the would have any kind of jury votes in the end, unless they somehow miraculously ended up there together. T’Kor going out did weaken them even more, but I will say it again, that was not the trio to be scared of. And this duo is definitely not a duo to fear.

Duo 2: Leah and Angela

Also know as “The Lorraines,” Angela and Leah are going to be split up this week, so there’s not a lot to say about this trio. It does make sense for Chelsie and Cam to wan them split up, but not Makensy. So this move is going to benefit Chelsie the most and leave Angela (or Leah in case the flip doesn’t happen) alone. Which means the Rubina and Kimo duo should scoop that person up and make it a 3 vs. 3. But this cast rarely plays the game wisely. So I don’t expect that to happen. At this point I think everyone is just playing to make sure Chelsie wins Big Brother 26.

So those are the house dynamics currently. And if you’re reading between the lines at all, Chelsie is in the best spot. The stronger players outside her trio will be taken out this week and probably next (or during the double). Then they get rid of Kimo and Rubina. That leaves the trio, which I think puts Chelsie in the Final 2 in every scenario. I think Cam and Makensy both pick her to sit next to. Which is a terrible move. But that’s how this cast rolls.




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