Big Brother 26 Live Feeds: All-Girls Alliance & Its Leah Problem

Leah Peters on Big Brother - CBS

There are a few things you can reliably count on every season of Big Brother: “But First” every Thursday night, a frustrated fandom, and a failed all-girls alliance. This year looks to be no different and especially on that last count.

Right now the women have the odds in their favor if they wanted to rally and take advantage of that, but one Big Brother 26 Houseguest is seen as a wrench in the works. That’d be ol’ Leah Peters.

With just nine HGs left there are only three men and that leaves the House with six women. They could likely easily ride this out to eliminate Kimo, Quinn, and even Cam. So what’s going on with Leah?

Talking last night on the Live Feeds, Rubina and T’kor talked about the possibility yet again of igniting an alliance among the women. Really this seems to be coming about because they’re no longer in power and when that slipped away from them we saw the renewed interest, but that’s an aside.

Rubina tells T’kor that the issue here is Leah and that seems rooted in how those two don’t get along so great. T’kor agrees and says that she does like Leah and hopes they could rely on her, but she isn’t confident that Leah would also support T’kor’s allies.

There’s also the issue that Leah’s strategy seems to also rely on her following of beta males shielding, but now that Joseph is gone she’s down to just Quinn. We saw her vote to keep Joseph over Kimo, who isn’t much in her corner and also part of T’kor’s concern noted above.

Leah does seem to pair up decently with Makensy, but as is with most of Leah’s alignments, they’re rooted in convenience. She’s a Floater in the classic Big Brother sense of things and that’s okay, but it doesn’t necessarily create a sense of loyalty for others that would lend itself to creating this possible alliance.

I don’t see this all-girls alliance coming together intentionally on BB26 for several reasons and Leah is just one of those. The Veto today will play an important role in figuring out who goes next and if any of the guys end up being a popular alternative for Chelsie or not. But for now, if Chelsie is to be believed, that top target is Angela over her co-Nom Kimo. What do you think the House will do?



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