The Big Brother AI Arena twist will make its first appearance this week on Thursday’s live show before one of the Big Brother 26 Houseguests will be evicted. “But First,” we’ve got to see how this will all play out with the trio of nominees facing off for one last chance at safety.
After Monday’s Veto meeting we learned Lisa saved herself with the Veto, just as she should, and then Angela renom’d Matt, just as everyone knew would happen. Nevermind that nonsense about T’kor being a possible volunteer pawn, wasn’t going to happen. So now that gives us Kenney, Kimo, and Matt on the Block and here’s how we expect this to play out.
BB AI Arena:
On Thursday night during the live show (unless they prerecord the AI Arena in the interest of time) the three Noms will compete in AINSLEY’s BBAI Arena. Only one of them can obviously win that competition and whoever does will get to step down off the Block just before the vote that night. Meanwhile the other two will remain and the rest of the HGs (minus BB Mascot’s Cedric and Chelsie, and obviously not the HOH) will vote to evict one of those two options.
We don’t know quite what to expect for the BBAI Arena but we know it’ll have to be quick unless it’s something the Noms do earlier in the afternoon and then stay sequestered from the rest of the HGs so the results are a surprise to them before the vote. I expect that approach because I think production has to be hoping to at least in part take advantage of the surprise factor for the voting decision. This could help cut down on the voting plans that are set housewide days in advance.
Arena Outcomes:
With Kenny, Kimo, and Matt going into the arena together this could be a tough matchup and it will really depend on if it’s a level playing field or something leaning toward the bigger/tougher player like Matt.
Should Matt come down then watch for Kenney to be voted out over Kimo. If Kimo or Kenney win their way to safety in the Arena then watch for Matt to be evicted on Thursday night.
The house has overwhelmingly centered on Matt as the top pick to go this week but if he dodges the vote then it’ll be Kenney out first on Big Brother 26.