‘Big Brother 26’ Spoilers: Veto Ceremony Results – Week 1

Big Brother Veto medallion back in the box
The BB Veto medallion – CBS

Results are in for the Veto Meeting on Monday where Angela faced another decision and the Veto holder had an easy choice to make. Read on for the latest Big Brother spoilers!

Angela had sent Lisa, Kimo, and Kenney to the Block with her target set on Kenney. Then Matt’s “CRAZY EYES” happened and that plan seemed to change. Add on top of that Lisa went and won herself some guaranteed safety this week with the Power of Veto. So of course when it came to today’s meeting she would be ready to use it on herself and force a renom from Angela.

Power of Veto Ceremony Spoilers – Week 1

  • Lisa used the Veto on herself
  • Angela named Matt as the renom
  • Matt, Kenney, and Kimo are this week’s final noms

Angela had contemplated a strange proposal to Matt that she could renom T’kor as a pawn to keep the target on Kenney, but that didn’t really seem to be much of a plan and then we heard from Angela how she was just putting on an act for Matt. There’s a lot going on in that head of ol’ Angela’s. Not saying it’s very productive in there, but something’s happening!

The eviction vote is coming up on Thursday where we’ll have the BB AI Arena to contend with as the three nominees will enter and one will escape the Block giving us the final two noms of the week. This is going to be interesting but I like that it’ll force a last minute decision for the HGs and hopefully one where they haven’t been able to fully plan their decision. We shall see how it works out.

Who do you think will be the next Houseguest evicted from BB26? Vote now in our poll below.

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