Big Brother 25 Week 7: Alliances And Deals Report

After the Big Brother 25 house imploded last week, the alliances and deals looks a little different. Gone are all the major alliances we’ve been following all season after Cory and Jared’s spat outed every single group in the house other than the Brown Sugar Babies. So let’s see how these groups and deals look for Week 7.

Speaking of the Brown Sugar Babies (Cirie, Jared, Mecole and Felicia), I’ve never been sure how serious they are since Cirie and Jared have wanted Felicia and Mecole many times. So there’s that.

Now onto the new groups. The biggest new group formed last night, and doesn’t look much different than the Seven Deadly Sins. So who knows how long it will last. This is the most disloyal group of houseguests I’ve ever seen in my life. The Six, or the new yet-to-be-named alliance is Cirie, Felicia, Jared, Jag, Blue and Matt. Then we have The Unreliables of Jag, Matt, America and Cory. Which is the same group that was also known as Toutte. These people are so confusing.

Now let’s look at the smaller groups. Going back to The Six, there’s The Four in that group consisting of Jared, Cirie, Blue and Matt. Then we have the For Real Trio are Matt, Jag and Blue. As for duos, we obviously still have Cirie and Jared, America and Cory, but we now have Felicia and Mecole.

Bowie Jane is currently in nothing, but she and Cirie have each other’s backs. Then there’s Cameron all on his own with no alliances or deals. Which likely won’t matter as he is set to be the actual target this week when he goes up as the replacement nominee today.

I’m sure by the time you read this half of these groups will be talking about voting each other out and new groups will have formed. That’s just how the BB25 cast rolls. No loyalty, but plenty of waffling.

Thanks as always goes out to BigBrotherJunkie on Twitter for keeping this mess straight for everyone. Be sure to check out their latest alliances and deals graphic shared below.


🚨9/17/23 #BB25 Alliances & Deals Update🚨

🔹How The House Stands Now With Izzy Gone & Cameron As The Target For The Week

— BigBrotherJunkie👁 #BB25 (@89razorskate20) September 17, 2023



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