Big Brother 25: The Best And Worst Of Week 12

Double Eviction HOH comp - CBS
Double Eviction HOH comp – CBS

Oh Big Brother 25, why did you have to do me like this in Week 12? I have been so nice this season with this post. Every week there have been more positives than negatives, but I think those days are gone. This week was just one disappointment after the next. So be warned: there will be a lot of worsts this week. So let’s get to it. I guess.

The Best Moments of Big Brother 25 Week 12

That HOH competition. I kind of loved that competition. Loved seeing them utilize past winners and just the whole idea was good. I hope they do that one again, or something similar.

Felicia’s mess. She might be playing for about 5th place, but Felicia trying to position herself as Jag’s No. 1 was not a bad idea, but more hilarious than it was a good idea. She stays entertaining. I have a chicken wing in my robe pocket in her honor.

No More Blue Diary Rooms. If anything good came out of this week, it was that we no longer have to listen to Blue talk in the DR. No more Kitty Kitty purr. Blessed.

The Worst Moments of Big Brother 25 Week 12

Jag won HOH. Not only is this Jag steamroll boring, the fact that he was able to play in HOH back-to-back is against the BB law. He should have been made to throw it like Claire in BB23. Especially since it wasn’t even a secret by the second day. Lame.

Jag won veto. Why can’t anyone else win anything?

Bowie Jane Wins the double eviction HOH. That was basically just another Jag HOH. What a terrible start to the double eviction. And her nominations were such a waste.

The Veto competition. Not only was that not a fair game for Felicia and Cirie, it was literally the same competition Matt won in the last double eviction. This season is so unbalanced and unfair when it comes to competitions.

America gets evicted. America did so poorly at that HOH comp she kind of deserved to be evicted after that, but now no one is even going to challenge Jag and Matt. Jag is probably going to just win out the rest of the season now. That is far too predictable and boring.

What did you think of Big Brother 25 this week? What were your favorite or not-so-favorite moments?




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