Big Brother 25: The Best And Worst Moments Of Week 13

Big Brother is always a subjective game. Some people love a season that others don’t. Same goes for certain houseguests. It is all about individual opinions and feelings. And that’s what this post is based on every week of every season. They’re my opinions and feelings. So I’m usually pretty apprehensive to say one thing is a best moment and one thing is a worst moment. But this season – and the past two weeks in particular – I have no apprehension. I feel like I am aligned with most people on how the season has played out – and how the rest of it is shaping up to unfold. So here are my final weekly best and worst moments of Big Brother 25 (expect a best and worst of the season after the season finale).

The Best Moments of Big Brother 25 Week 13

Cirie’s Diary Room Sessions. There’s not a lot to like about this past week of BB25. But I think Cirie was the star of the show – especially in her DRs. She said what most of us were thinking, and made me laugh in the process. I found this to be an astoundingly boring Final 5, so Cirie was the one bright spot. Don’t get me wrong, Felicia is always entertaining, but her weird take on Jag and Matt puts me off at times. I was all Team Cirie this week.

Realizing It’s Almost Over. I am stretching to get a second best moment, so this is all I’m coming up with. I am beyond excited this season is coming to an end.

The Worst Moments of Big Brother 25 Week 13

Matt Misses His Shot. When Matt goes out in third place (if not fourth), he’s going to realize he should have listened to Cirie and took that shot at Jag and Bowie Jane. They’re not taking him to the end, and if he can’t see that written all over their faces, then I don’t know what to think about Matt.

Jag Wins Veto. So boring. There is a fundamental issue with this game when so few people have won competitions this season. Whether it’s a casting issue or a game structure issue is hard to say. I think it’s more of a structure problem.

The Usual Isolation and Bad Behavior. Like most seasons, Matt, Jag and Bowie Jane shut out Cirie and Felicia this week and spend literally all of their time bashing them – they had no respect for them as women, mothers, grandmothers. None of that. I know it’s a game and they’re playing against each other, but it was hard to watch. And it’s often hard to watch when this happens. And it happens a lot. Hisam even addressed it on his social media. He likened it to The Stanford Prison Experiment and he couldn’t be more right. That psychological experiment that simulated prison life is not that unlike the BB experience. And it had to be shut down after only six days because of the participants behavior. This game lasts 75-1o0 days.



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