‘Big Brother 25’ Spoilers: Who Won HoH Last Night? Week 14

Head of Household Results on Big Brother - CBS
Head of Household Results on Big Brother – CBS

After watching Cirie Fields voted out last night on Big Brother it was time to crown a new Head of Household. Only four Houseguests remained and Matt Klotz wasn’t able to compete as the previous round’s HOH. That left it to Bowie Jane, Felicia Cannon, and Jag Bains to battle it out for HOH last night.

Usually the HOH is all about safety plus the power to name the two nominees, but this week those nominees don’t matter too much. Instead this HOH would secure a seat in the F3, which is huge, but the real decision maker on who stays and who goes comes down to the next Power of Veto.

All the same, we needed a new HOH and one was settled in the Q&A booth styled comp featuring a comic book of her very own for host Julie Chen Moonves. HGs were shown two pages at a time from Julie’s “Chenbot” comic and then had to answer A/B questions about what they just saw. I think this looked tough without the ability to study the images up close. Not the most exciting competition, but par for the course of Big Brother this season.

HGs Jag, Bowie Jane, & Felicia compete for HOH - CBS
HGs Jag, Bowie Jane, & Felicia compete for HOH – CBS

Big Brother 25 Results – Week 14 HoH Comp:

  • Bowie Jane is the new Head of Household

The lead was back and forth between Jag and Bowie Jane as they two pulled away from Felicia, leaving her in third place with no chance at recovering. In the seventh round Jag and Bowie Jane tied up which meant yet another tiebreaker. We have seen a lot of those this season! Bowie Jane pulled off her lucky guess again and was closer than Jag to the target number, making her the new HOH.

Bowie Jane now holds THREE HoH wins and was never nominated all season long. Hmm. I’m still not sure the Jury would give her a snowball’s chance at winning BB25, right?

Bowie Jane on Big Brother 25 - CBS
Bowie Jane on Big Brother 25 – CBS

Big Brother 25 Week 14 Nominations & Veto:

So now the real part of the week is here and this is going to happen fast. Nominations are pointless. Bowie will have to pick two HGs to sit on the Block and if she’s smart I think she should send the two guys up there together. It doesn’t matter and the real power is in the Veto because whoever holds that gets to cast the one vote. Unless, of course, it’s Bowie Jane who wins Veto then she gets to pick who makes the sole vote decision.

Everything is going to need to happen quickly too because the next eviction is coming up on Sunday night. Julie Chen said it’d be a live show, but that’s at 10PM ET and there could be sports delays. That’s a risky move, CBS, but let’s see how it goes.

In the meantime, we’ll be watching the Feeds for Noms & Veto results, but it’s possible the Feeds cut until after Sunday’s show. Get ready for the end game on Big Brother 25!



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