There was little time to prepare for these nominations but there were also very few options to consider. Bowie Jane, our new HOH, was quickly called upon by Mr. B to fill both nomination chairs and the job has been done. Read on for the Big Brother spoilers.
Earlier we heard Bowie fretting over what to do about the noms. She didn’t want to have to make the choice, but really she didn’t want to have to put Jag on the Block. Jag’s efforts over the past few weeks have been paying off it would seem. But really here, these Noms do not matter. I repeat, it doesn’t matter who goes to the Block. This round is all about the Veto and whoever holds that power also holds control over the one and only vote. All the same, here we go.
Big Brother 25 Week 14 Nominations:
- Bowie Jane nominated:Â Felicia & Matt
Jag had told Bowie to just pick a number then let him and Matt try to guess it. Bowie agreed and immediately told Jag the number would be 70. Yep, she really did that. So when Matt guessed 77 Jag jumped in with 73 before Bowie revealed her magic number was 70 and that meant Matt would go up against Felicia.
Felicia remains the target here and that’s just nuts. Matt and Bowie should at least secretly in their own heads be plotting how to get out their real competition, Jag. But no, I think they’re probably blindly plodding along to F3 with Jag’s dominating resume hanging over there. Ugh.
Houseguests are expecting the Veto on Friday and the next eviction on Sunday. We’ll see that play out Sunday at 10/9c but we may not have the Veto spoilers before that.
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