The not-so-Invisible HOH is underway for Big Brother Comic Week as the new Head of Household took over in a late night competition with the opportunity to stay hidden and under the radar. That’s something this Big Brother 25 cast isn’t too keen on doing.
Instead of keeping this power quiet the new HOH quickly revealed his HOH win to his closest ally, much as we expected would probably happen. Then after that he went to his next closest pair of allies and told them too. Do I even need to confirm which talkative HG this is? Of course not, but I will. It’s Jag. He had the gift of a secret HOH and exposed the whole thing to anyone in shouting distance. Anyway, on to the nominations!
Big Brother 25 Week 11 Nominations:
- Jag nominated: Blue & Felicia
Jag told Matt overnight that he wanted to target Blue and if he did that then he wanted to tell Cory and America before the noms because otherwise it’d be too obvious. And if he was going to tell Cory & America then he should probably tell Bowie too. Have mercy. If Jag could find a way to relay the news to Cameron at Jury House then I think he just might try that too.
So we’ve got the nominations set with the Veto ahead on Saturday. There will be another Comic Week twist power with the Multiplicity PoV and I’m expecting that means multiple Vetoes coming into play so we’ll have to see what happens there.
What do you think of these picks? Were these the right choices by the HOH or a missed opportunity? Share your thoughts below.
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