Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Week 1 Veto Competition Results

Veto Medallion on Big Brother

The first Power of Veto spoilers have arrived on Big Brother 25! Find out which HGs competed and who walked away with the power to change this week’s nominations. This was a weird one because we started with four noms on premiere night, then the new HOH knocked it down to two, and now we’re going to see if there’s another switcharoo in the works.

This was a do-or-die situation for Kirsten’s game. Reilly had settled on Kirsten for her preferred target when she was left on the Block alongside Felicia, the intended pawn.

Player picks included Blue, Bowie, and Hisam. Reilly played as HOH along with her nominees, Kirsten and Felicia. Cirie was picked to host the Veto comp. And the winner is…

Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Week 1 Veto Competition Results:

  • Hisam won the Power of Veto

Well, that should settle that. Hisam holds the power and he’s not likely to rock the boat and pull Kirsten off the Block. We will keep watching the Feeds and see what’s said next, but I think this will mark the end of Kirsten’s game. What do you expect?

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