Big Brother 25: Preseason Promo Promises Clues

Julie Chen and Big Brother 25

Julie Chen Moonves is teasing us with Big Brother clues in her latest tweet (her latest X?) and the reveal that the new Houseguests have fully entered sequester for the upcoming Big Brother 25 season!

In Julie’s tweet (I’m sticking with “tweet” over “X”) on Monday, she revealed “key art” as she called it and notes they had to wait until they could be sure the HGs didn’t spot it online. That means HGs are fully hidden away, stripped of their phones with connection to the outside world, and are preparing to enter the Big Brother house next Wednesday evening. So what makes this “key art”? Secrets! Or clues at least.

Julie adds that they had to wait “because there’s many clues to this season’s theme.” Oh, really? Hmm, well let’s take a look and see what we can find:

click to enlarge

Julie Chen Big Brother 25 preseason clues key art

Well, there are four distinct sections up at the time above “Big Brother” and overlaying the blue background. I’m going to jump straight to the third one because that screams BB Comics to me, but no clue what kind of clue that would be. Then the fourth section is a spooky theme and that’d be a Halloween setting for the tail end of the season that will stretch over into early November. Okay, that’s two, maybe kinda?

Oh, and as someone noted on Twitter, Julie is holding a pair of pants up in front of her. Huhwhat? That’s kinda odd, right?

What about the other two sections though? Shoot, I really don’t know and now I want to hear your ideas on what’s going on there. Spiral pattern in the first and something liquidy in the second? I imagine some of you out there have better ideas than that. Share away in the commments section below!



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