Big Brother 25 Player Rankings Week 4

We will close out Big Brother 25 Week 4 tonight with the latest eviction, so that means it’s time to take another look at how the houseguests are performing. Every week this season I’ll be grading each houseguest based on their gameplay, social skills and competition prowess. These scores will result in a final ranking of each houseguest. This week, no one scored that well. There was just a lot of mess going on and I’ll explain why in each ranking. And I’ll go in order of best to worst. So let’s get to it.

Big Brother 25 Houseguest Report Card: Week 4

Cirie, 90/100 — Cirie is back on top, simply because everyone in the house wants to work with her, and thinks they can trust her. Matt, who I wanted to rank first this week has spilled his entire guts to her all week. Which is why he can’t be first and she can. Cirie has had some bad reads so far in the game (and is way too paranoid and untrusting), but no one can top her social game. That’s why she tops the list with only a 90. Last Week: 87

Matt, 88/100 — Matt has really grown since Reilly left the game. And America (the fans, not the player) loves him. Spoiler alert: He was voted to play in the power competition, and won. So he is currently one of the most powerful people in the game. But him trusting Cirie a little too much is not in his best interest. Last Week: 80

Mecole, 87/100 — Mecole continues to prove she is the one houseguest who is actually using all of her brain power. And she continues to lay low and come off as one of the least threatening houseguests. Her only current misstep at this point is her alliance. She chose a powerful group to work with, but also a very paranoid one, that is constantly questioning their allies, including Mecole. So if she can somehow continue to prove to Cirie and Izzy that she is truly with them, she could excel. But she needs to start making some moves to score higher. Last Week: 90

Cory, 85/100 — Cory tanks this week after being at the top last week. That’s for a couple of reasons. One is being messy enough to get involved in what is being seen as a showmance. Instant target. And two, he’s coming off a bit know-it-all to his alliance. And we saw how that worked out for Hisam. I like Cory, and think in a season where there wasn’t a secret family duo, he could really have a shot at this win. But this just won’t be his season. Last Week: 97

Cameron, 85/100 — Cameron gets a huge boost this week from his HOH win and him actually likely getting his target out of the game tonight. He hasn’t really used his HOH to gain any real relationship improvements, but he believes he has with the fake alliance he’s in (and has no idea it’s fake). Cameron should have taken the first shot this week by targeting Izzy, but the alliance had him too fooled. Last Week: 62

America, 82/100 — I want to rank America higher, but she’s really starting to put a target on her back. Between her flirtmance with Cory, and her seemingly working with Cameron and Red (she’s really not), her days are numbered. It seemed like Cory would protect her as long as he could, but even that seems kind of irrelevant at the moment. Cory doesn’t have as much clout as he thinks, and he said on the Live Feeds at best she could get seventh if she rolled with the alliance he’s in with Cirie, Izzy, etc. Last Week: 88

Felicia, 80/100 — Felicia holds onto the same grade this week because she has been staying pretty lateral in the game. She is still looked at as a mother figure, and that works in her favor. But like Mecole, her one downfall will likely be her paranoid alliance, who are already starting to think Felicia is “acting strange.” Last Week: 80

Izzy, 79/100 — Izzy is such an enigma in this game. On paper, it would look like she, along with Cirie, is running sh*t. But the way she flip-flops and gets paranoid, and in turn makes Cirie even more paranoid, is just not good game play. If Izzy wasn’t attached at the hip with Cirie (which only happened because she instantly new Cirie and Jared’s secret), Izzy might not even still be in the game at this point. But I do appreciate some of her gameplay. She she gets a better score this week. Last Week: 70

Red, 77/100 — Red is kind of a buffoon when it comes to the game. But he did win the Power of Veto this week, blocking any kind of shift in the game. So I have to take that into account for this week at least. Red does have some decent reads on who is close, but this cast has been terrible at secret relationships, so that’s not saying much. Last Week: 59

Jared, 69/100 — I would love to give Jared a nice solid F, but he has a lot of power in the game because of where he is in his alliances. Everyone trusts him for some reason, and if nothing else, he’s going to always have Cirie protecting him. But he’s not good at Big Brother, and has even basically revealed his huge secret to Blue. I don’t care how close you’ve gotten to someone in this game, I wouldn’t trust them with that kind of info. Especially after only four weeks. Bad move. Last Week: 82

Blue, 68/100 — I don’t even know how to rank Blue anymore. She’s a nominee this week, but probably isn’t going home. She has no solid alliance any longer, but does have Jared protecting her. And she now basically knows his secret, so she does hold that power. Last Week: 75

Jag, 60/100 — Poor Jag. I’m not sure why he’s even a target this week. It really makes no sense to me. But he’s pretty much going home this week, and was apparently chosen to play for the power, so he could have saved himself. But him not winning really effects his score this week. That and the fact that he will most likely be evicted tonight. But hey, at leas the’s not Bowie Jane. Last Week: 85

Bowie, 58/100 — As I said last week, Bowie started playing her version of Big Brother and it’s a bad one. Somehow she went from laying so low she barely existed to being so annoying and off-kilter that several people now want her out. It’s still so remarkable to me that you can barely be playing the game but make yourself such a target. That takes skill. Last week: 60/100

Flunked (evicted)






These scores and rankings are simply my own. There’s no real science to it, so please don’t take them so seriously. If you disagree, please share your thoughts in our comments below and on Twitter and Facebook! Let’s discuss!



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