Eviction Day inside the Big Brother 25 house is usually full of Cirie, Izzy, and Felicia debating whether they are making the right decision with their vote. This Eviction Day was no different and the majority of the Big Brother houseguests came up with a plan on how to keep Jag calm throughout the day. One houseguest had a problem with this plan and made it clear that they did not want to see Jag blindsided by Julie.
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Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights – Thursday, August 31, 2023:
10:00 AM BBT – HGs are waking up.
10:00 AM BBT – Blue is telling Jared that Red really wants to win HOH tonight and that he really hates America. Jared says that’s good for them though because if he does win HOH, he will target her. Felicia comes in to tell them that they have told Jag that he is safe and staying that way if he has the power, he doesn’t use it and he leaves with it in his pocket.
10:32 AM BBT – Izzy is confirming with Cirie that they are voting Jag out tonight since everyone is telling him he is staying. They are making sure that each of them agree that this is the right thing to do.
10:35 AM BBT – Jared is telling Jag that Felicia came in and talked to him this morning and he really thinks that things are going in Jag’s favor tonight. Says if they don’t, he will be blindsided too. Jag thanks him and tells him that the one vote that means the most to him is Jared’s.
10:40 AM BBT – Jag left a pair of the striped socks from his cocka-doodle-zoom costume on Felicia’s bed. Tells her that her and Cirie are the only ones who got them.
10:45 AM BBT – Jag brings his comp clothes into the Storage Room and tells BB that he would really like to keep them and asks them not to throw them away.
10:52 AM BBT – Cirie tells Izzy that she thinks that tonight’s HOH comp is going to be a puzzle of some sort and gives her a peptalk.
11:01 AM BBT – Blue is telling America that Red told her that he didn’t like America and that he didn’t trust her. Adds that he told Blue that if he won HOH, that Blue wouldn’t be his target.
11:10 AM BBT – Cirie, Izzy, and Cory are talking about how good of a liar Matt is. Cory adds that as weird as it is, he feels pretty good about him despite that, but he is keeping his guard up. Cory says that he thinks America is pissed enough to put Red and Cameron up if she won HOH.
11:22 AM BBT – Blue asks Izzy if she told Felicia last night that she went upstairs with Red. Izzy looks at her funny and she tells her that she just wants to see how good Red’s lip reading skills are. Izzy says she didn’t say that and that they were talking about Bowie Jane and how she was crying after Izzy left the room.
11:24 AM BBT – Izzy tells Cirie and Jared what Blue just asked her and added that Red’s lip reading thing is all BS.
11:37 AM BBT – America is telling Matt that they shouldn’t have to lie to Jag about the votes.
11:45 AM BBT – America is telling Jag what Blue told her about Red not liking her. He doesn’t understand why Red dislikes America so much.
11:51 AM BBT – Feeds cut to Adoptable Animals for HOH lockdown.
1:30 PM BBT – Feeds return from the HOH lockdown to the houseguests getting ready for tonight’s show.
1:43 PM BBT – America tells Cirie that she doesn’t want Jag to be blindsided. Cirie says she is down to tell him and thinks that a couple of them should tell him. Cirie says that she doesn’t think that they are all down to tell him ahead of time, but she really doesn’t want him blindsided either.
1:44 PM BBT – America leaves the room and Cirie says “I’m a terrible human being” and laughing. Then adds that America doesn’t even talk game to her but she’s coming in her room using her mirror. She’s still laughing about it.
1:57 PM BBT – Cirie and Jared are whispering in the Comic Room when Felicia walks in. Felicia is telling them that Cameron’s stuff is still in the HOH room and BB just told him he needed to get his stuff out of there.
2:17 PM BBT – Izzy, Felicia, Cirie, and Matt are speculating that it might be an elimination comp and talks strategy.
2:30 PM BBT – Red and Cory are talking about how Blue told Red she was throwing the HOH comp tonight. Cory says that Blue told him she was gunning for it. Red says that she fit a lot of lies in one sentence last night.
3:00 PM BBT – General chatting going on in the house as the houseguests get ready for tonight’s show. Nothing exciting going on.
3:32 PM BBT – Feeds cut to Adoptable Animals for live show prep.
America is not too happy that Cirie, Felicia, Izzy, and Jared were willing to let Jag get blindsided by tonight’s vote. America plans to tell Jag before the live show, but is this a smart move for her game? I couldn’t imagine anyone else being too happy about this since the rest of the HGs has every intention of letting Jag believe that he is staying this week. As we know, Matt won the Power of Invincibility, but there has been no indication that he is going to use it to save Jag. We will have to wait to find out for sure!
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