Big Brother 25: New Season Coming, Says Julie Chen

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother

There’s more Big Brother coming soon! Julie Chen confirmed the news that Big Brother 25 was renewed and will be heading back to CBS this coming summer of 2023.

Taking to Twitter, Julie said farewell to BB24 and encouraged fans to watch some of the other CBS shows before getting ready for BB24 next year.

“That’s right. We are coming back for our 25th season of the show. And if you want to be on the show then all you need to do is go to to try out. Who knows? Expect the unexpected. You might be a Houseguest! I’ll see you next summer.”

Casting is open for the new season and if you’ve ever dreamt of stepping through that BB door then you need to apply! Watch Julie’s video below for a little encouragement to get your Big Brother 25 application underway now!


We're so excited to announce Season 25 of #BigBrother will come to your screens next summer. Stay tuned. ๐ŸŽ‰ @CBSBigBrother

— Julie Chen Moonves (@JCMoonves) September 26, 2022

The pressure is on to find a new cast of Houseguests who can raise the bar and deliver a strategic and entertaining season combined. That’s no easy task and while some seasons have struggled we’re always hoping to find the next delivers on that for fans.

And in the meantime, we’ve got a lot of waiting to do because there will not be a Celebrity Big Brother this coming winter. CBS has been following the pattern of running that series opposite the Olympics aside from CBB2 and with no announcements at this point, it is very unlikely.

Get ready for another summer of Big Brother and all our BB25 coverage when it returns this coming June or July. In the meantime, find us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our free Big Brother App downloaded and ready for notifications of the new season’s arrival.



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