Big Brother 25 Live Feeds: Power of Veto Plans for Week 4

Update: Veto spoilers are in! Find out who won the Veto this week…

Saturdays bring the Power of Veto Competition inside the Big Brother 25 house and this week’s nominees are hoping for a scenario that could keep both of them in the house. There have been chats between this week’s Head of Household on Big Brother and their most trusted ally that might indicate the chance of a backdoor option this week. However, what scenario would have to play out for us to see that happen?

The Big Brother houseguests were exhausted yesterday, but that didn’t stop the game talk from taking place. After Cameron won the nearly 14-hour-long Pressure Cooker competition, his targets for Week 4 of Big Brother were already chosen. As we now know, Cameron nominated Blue and Jag with Jag being the bigger of the two targets and Blue being a backup target.

One of Jared’s biggest concerns this week was that he could end up on the block next to Blue if Jag comes down. However, Cameron did promise Jared that he would not put the two of them next to each other. Cameron didn’t promise that he wouldn’t be put up next to Jag, but Jared is pretty convinced that if he ended up on the block next to Jag, he would have the votes to stay. Not to mention, there is no chance for the vote to waver if he is on the block.

Cameron and Red talked yesterday about Izzy. This talk was about how dangerous she is to them since she dislikes Cameron so much and would target the two of them if given the chance. Red does think that Jag is more of a threat than Izzy and that Izzy has to be targeted at some point, but he wasn’t sure that this week would be a good time.

After this conversation, Red tells Matt that even though Cameron and Red are public enemy number one for Izzy, he still feels that Jag is the bigger target. However, he added that if Jag were to win Veto and take himself off the block, there is potential for Izzy to be a backdoor option. Is there a way that Izzy could save herself from being backdoored? Let’s find out who’s playing in this week’s Power of Veto competition!

Power of Veto Players for Week 4 are:

  • Cameron (HOH)
  • Jag & Blue (Noms)
  • Mecole, Jared, and Red

It does seem like most of the houseguests are on board with keeping the nominations the same this week, but things could get interesting if Jared wins. Even he thinks that it might be best to keep the nominations the same because he believes that Blue would be safe sitting next to Jag. If Jag wins, there is a chance for an Izzy backdoor, but who will end up on the block if Blue wins? Cameron will likely opt to put a well-liked HG on the block next to Jag to ensure that he is the one to go.

Who would you like to see win the Power of Veto? Who would you like to see put up as a replacement nom?

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