The latest Veto comp is over and we have your Big Brother spoilers as the BB25 HGs faced off for the chance to override one of the nominees in Week 4 of Big Brother 25. Week 4, folks. That’s out of FOURTEEN weeks. This season is going to be nuts by the end.
It was late into Friday morning before the HOH endurance comp had concluded and on the other end of that tunnel was Cameron standing alone with his hand on the button. Cameron was quick to settle on Jag and Blue but then seemed to be considering a Backdoor plan and another renom scenario. With few close allies it wasn’t easy to get much reliable info from Cameron’s discussions even though he’s constantly talking.
Players this week included Cameron as the HOH plus his nominees Blue and Jag. Also selected to play this week: Mecole, Jared, and Red.
Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Week 4 Veto Competition Results:
- Red won the Power of Veto
- Hmm. Jag says Cameron just won HOH and Veto, but we’re seeing Red wearing the medallion.
- Seems it was Red, not Cameron with the win. Discussions were confusing.
Well that makes this tough for the two nominees! Both of course want to get off the Block and neither really felt like a pawn with Cameron’s limited discussion. Now this could lead to either Cameron leaving this just as he set them up or making a move.
Initially it sounded like Cameron had won the Veto. Jag even said Cameron “cooked us” and “won HOH and Veto back to back.” Then there was Red wearing the medallion. Perhaps Jag was grouping Cameron and Red together with a win by Red was as good as a win for Cameron.
Earlier today Cameron told Cory that he might be going to make a “big move” but it would depend on who won. Sometimes that’s done when the HOH can pretend his/her hand is forced by a nominee or ally winning and using the Veto. But maybe he wants to be in total control, use the Veto save as leverage for future safety, and then slap a bigger target the Block. He has got Izzy pretty nervous. Hmm.
BB25 Week 4 Veto Meeting:
The Veto meeting is coming up on Monday so the HGs have a few days to plan this one out. I expect Izzy will be Izzying for several days leading up to the meeting. We’ll have to watch for Cameron’s talks with Red and Cory for more insight to what he may be planning.
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