Big Brother 25 Live Feeds: Invincibility Twist Revealed To Houseguests

Power of Invincibility on Big Brother 25 - CBS
Power of Invincibility on Big Brother 25 – CBS

This afternoon in the Big Brother 25 house the HGs received the news from production that a new power was about to hit the house that could turn this week upside down (well, or next week). As we know, the Big Brother Power of Invincibility would allow one Houseguest to cancel one of the next two evictions, but it won’t be easy to get their hands on it. Big Brother Spoilers to come once the results are discovered!

First the viewers were voting over the weekend to nominate four of the remaining HGs into a competition and from there that winner would then get to wield this power. But with such great power comes great secrecy. Kinda, mostly.

On Tuesday all the HGs learned they would be competing for a power but since it’s a secret power it couldn’t be handled out in the open. In fact, HGs don’t yet even know what the power is or does and when the winner wins it today, they’ll probably be the only one to know its purpose until they decide to share the details (if allowed).

To make things even more secret Big Brother revealed that each HG would take a turn heading into the arena where they’d learn if they got fight for right to be invincible. Remember, viewers voted and the top four vote-earners would get a shot at this. The waiting game here is sort of like a few seasons ago (was that BB19?) where we saw HGs just sit in a room for 30 mins whether or not they got to compete. Obviously if someone returned in a minute it’d be revealing so instead everyone goes away for the same time and none are the wiser. That makes for a heck of a long run of this being dragged out all afternoon.

Each HG has been called in alphabetical order and that started just past 12PM BBT with America out the door first. At the time of publishing they’ve worked their way down to the three remaining and so far all the first ten players have denied being selected/voted to compete. So we’ll have to watch and see what gets discussed later tonight when they can split back up for private talks.

Just for reference and out of curiosity, looking back at our poll for readers’ picks on this power the top six vote earners here (not an official vote by any means) were, in order:

  1. Matt
  2. Cory
  3. Cirie
  4. Felicia
  5. Jag
  6. America

Our polls tend to get a wide range of representation from different viewer groups (diehards, TV-onlies, etc.) and we’ve had great accuracy in the past with our polls so I think there’s a solid chance the top four official poll HGs are in that list above. And in case you’re interested, the lowest three were Bowie (13th), Blue (12th), and Izzy (11th). Kinda surprised Izzy didn’t rank higher because she’s often injecting herself into the main threads of the season, but Bowie and Blue seem spot on.

We will keep watching the Feeds to find out more and see what’s revealed. Eventually someone is going to start talking and spill the Big Brother beans!



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