Big Brother 25 Live Feeds: Matt & Jag Plan New F3 & Eviction List

Matt Klotz and Jag Bains on BB25 - CBS

The finish line is nearly in sight for the remaining Big Brother 25 Houseguests and we’re looking forward to seeing how the final stretch pans out and which HGs pull together and pulls off their big plans. Easier said than done but if anyone is going to make a push to sculpt the remaining alliances it’d be Jag Bains. This guy does not stop strategizing and talking future plans, but so far it’s served the once-evicted HG well!

Now Jag is at it again, working with his Minute Men ally Matt Klotz to set a new Final 3 (and Final 4) along with the punch list for the pecking order as we wind our way down to the end of Big Brother 25!

Flashback to 10:16 PM BBT 10/11 to find Jag and Matt running through their eviction priority list.

Bowie Jane has just left the HOH room when Jag turns to Matt and asks if Cirie will be their Third and Bowie as the Fourth. Naturally Jag wants to name their F3/F4. Matt suggests possibly two different names. These guys and their endless alliance names!

Jag Bains and Matt Klotz on Big Brother - CBS
Jag Bains and Matt Klotz on Big Brother – CBS

Jag wants the two of them to meet up soon with Cirie, noting that Cirie is closer to Matt which Jag wants to sort out. Matt says Cirie recognizes how close he and Jag are and while she doesn’t want to come between that she does want to work with them. Matt promises Jag that Cirie does not question him (J).

“I want final three to be you, me, Cirie. Literally no BS. This is it. We are coming to the end of the game. We have to make teams and stick to it. So you, me, Cirie, and Bowie Jane is our fourth. And then we just figure out the fifth. That is it. It’s that easy.”

No reason to stop there, Jag! He goes on to say Felicia is the 5th, America is the 6th, then Cory, and lastly Blue. Sorry, Blue. Matt is in agreement.

Moving along, Jag tells Matt he wants to talk with Cory and America to make sure they’re all going for Head of Household this week. Jag doesn’t think Blue will go for it, so there’s his plan of his for bumping off the lowest on the pole for his rankings.

Bowie Jane and Matt Klotz on Big Brother - CBS
Bowie Jane and Matt Klotz on Big Brother – CBS

Jump ahead to today at 1:17 PM BBT 10/12 for Bowie Jane, Matt, and Jag gathered in the HOH room. Bowie tells them she just spoke with Cirie who asked who Bowie was with and said she would join her along with Matt and Jag. They’re feeling good about this foursome.

As for their next target? It’s still Blue. Jag notes that “Blue was talking to Cory and America for like an hour.” Matt says Blue is already questioning them. Jag adds, “get Blue out.” Bowie Jane asks if he means to go find Blue and bring her up. No, BJ, he means out the door.

Will this trio, wait, will this foursome pull off their next move to target Blue and send her out the door as the second Juror of Big Brother 25? We’ll soon see what happens tonight with the next Head of Household competition! What do you think of their plan?



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