It was a relatively quiet Eviction Day inside the Big Brother 25 house as the houseguests geared up for Thursday night’s live eviction show. There was a lot of talk about earlier in the season, what kind of Head of Household comp they were expecting and who the Big Brother houseguests believed would be the next target. There was no flip-flopping this week as the target for the week was set long before they even hit the block.
Get all the details of the conversations the Big Brother houseguests had throughout the day and find out who they think might be the target going into Week 11 below!
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Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights – Thursday, October 12, 2023:
10:00 AM BBT – HGs are waking up.
10:02 AM BBT – Jag is telling Felicia that Cameron is probably going to do a big speech because he wants to be remembered.
10:05 AM BBT – Cirie and Matt are talking in the Comic Room. She jokingly tells him she doesn’t want any funny business today.
10:26 AM BBT – Cirie makes the same joke to America and Cory. Cory jokes back “how many votes do we need?”
10:28 AM BBT – Bowie tells Cirie that she isn’t sure about Felicia because she gets so suspicious so easily and goes off and does crazy things. Cirie tells her that the war is about to start and she wants to be on the right side of it with people who are going to support each other.
10:30 AM BBT – Cirie and Bowie agree that their F4 should be them, Matt, and Jag.
10:35 AM BBT – Cirie says that she has been studying with Felicia and she thinks that if the three of them do it together, it will keep her calm. Bowie agrees.
11:20 AM BBT – Blue, America, and Cory are sitting in the bathroom chatting. Rehashing alliances, evicted houseguests, and information that was spread around throughout the season.
11:45 AM BBT – Blue, America, and Cory are still talking on all four cams. Conversation shifted to music.
11:51 AM BBT – Feeds change to adoptable animals for tech rehearsals.
1:14 PM BBT – Feeds return.
1:17 PM BBT – Bowie tells Matt and Jag that she had a great conversation with Cirie. Says she is good with their F4.
1:19 PM BBT – Jag mentions that Cory and America had an hour long conversation with Blue earlier. Matt says that Blue is already starting to question them. They all agree that she has to go next.
1:26 PM BBT – Cirie tells Bowie that Felicia asked her what they talked about. Cirie says that she told her that they had agreed to wait until after the HOH to talk about any game. She also mentioned to Felicia that she feels good about Bowie and Bowie feels good about them.
1:31 PM BBT – Cirie is talking to Blue about her conversation with Bowie. Says she thinks that Bowie is trying to cover herself in case Cirie wins HOH. Blue tells her that Bowie’s proximity to Matt and Jag worries her a bit. Cirie says she feels like Bowie always wanted to play with them (M&J) and Blue mentions that it would be nice if they could get all the girls together.
1:34 PM BBT – Cirie tells Blue that it makes her nervous that Cory and America stopped talking to her and Felicia. Says they used to talk all the time, but now she barely sees them.
1:45 PM BBT – Felicia asks America in front of Cirie what she thinks the plan is for next week. America says she thinks it’s Blue with Bowie sitting next to her.
1:47 PM BBT – Felicia tells Cirie that if Jag wins HOH and he BD’s Blue, then they know they are next. If he is willing to take Blue out, he will be willing to take them out too.
1:52 PM BBT – Cirie tellsFelicia that if she is in the Jury house and Felicia is still in the house, she is going to fight to get them to vote for Felicia to win. Felicia says likewise.
1:56 PM BBT – Jag checks in with Cirie. Cirie tells him that she is a bit nervous, but that’s normal for anyone on the block on eviction night. Jag tells her that she is good though. Cirie tells Jag that she had a good chat with Bowie and Jag tells her that he thinks their F3 (Cirie, Matt, and Jag) and he feels good with Bowie as an extention of that.
2:30 PM BBT – Lots of general chit chat going on inside the house as the HGs get ready for tonight’s live show.
2:56 PM BBT – Bowie and Cirie are talking about the upcoming week. Bowie says that they just have to make sure that Matt and Jag don’t end put on the block or her as a replacement. Cirie thinks they will be fine.
3:20 PM BBT – Felicia tells Cirie that she talked with Jag and told him how it didn’t make sense that Cameron didn’t put Cory up. Jag said “no, because they needed a target for this week.”
3:22 PM BBT – Felicia realizes now that Matt and Jag didn’t go up to stop Bowie from putting Cirie and Felicia up this week.
3:28 PM BBT – Cirie says could you imagine if they flipped the vote and kept Cameron. Felicia says she would be pissed and then they would think they could get her next, but she would still have Veto. Cirie tells her no, she would have to let bygones be bygones and link up with Cameron.
3:30 PM BBT – Felicia says there would be no way that they did that (keep Cameron). Cirie says they would waste an HOH and Veto to end up voting her out.
3:33 PM BBT – Matt comes into the comic room to show Cirie and Felicia that he cut off his mustache.
3:36 PM BBT – Felicia asks Matt who Cory and America think everyone is going after this week? Matt says Blue, but he’s getting weird vibes because Blue, Cory, and America have been hanging out together a lot lately. Says he thinks Cameron got into her head and told her she should get closer to Cory and America.
3:38 PM BBT – Matt tells them that Blue has been anti-Cory for a while now, but the last few days, she isn’t. Says he doesn’t know, but it feels weird to him. Felicia asks Matt who Blue is saying she would put up? Matt says she won’t say and now her and Cory are up in the game room talking.
3:40 PM BBT – Cirie tells Matt that if Blue is trying to fix it with Cory so that he won’t put her up, then who would Cory and America put up? Felicia says the two of them (Cirie & Felicia). Matt says that’s why he has to win. Felicia thinks that they are playing each other because America and Cory already said they would put Blue up.
3:42 PM BBT – Jag tells Cameron that it has been an honor to get to know Cameron this season. Says he is one of the kindest, funniest, and most thoughtful people that he knows. He mentions how much it meant to him when they were doing the pieing Nom Ceremony, that he intentionally didn’t get it on his Turban. Says it meant a lot to him.
3:43 PM BBT – Feeds cut to Adoptable Animals for live show prep.
As of right now, there is a lot of speculation going on inside the house that this week’s HOH competition is the slip-and-slide comp and Matt and Jag are both hoping to pull off a win in order to keep their F4 with Bowie and Cirie safe. They aren’t sure where Blue stands at this point because she has been spending so much time with Americory these last few days however, Felicia and Cirie are fairly certain that Blue is still Cory’s target. Who are you hoping wins tonight’s HOH competition? Let us know!
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