Big Brother 25 Live Feeds Week 9: Monday Night Highlights

The Big Brother 25 houseguests spent the evening  discussing their next moves after the veto ceremony didn’t result in any kind of shake up this week.

With the week’s target seemingly set, a lot of talks already started about who should go next week, but then a little later in the evening, in true BB25 form, talk turned to possibly flipping the target already. Read on to find out what everyone was thinking in the house throughout Monday night.

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Read through Monday’s Daytime Report before the overnight events below.

Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, October 2, 2023:

3:19 PM BBT – Cory tells America that Jag and Matt are afraid of the women and that they really like Cameron. Cory says he told Cameron that Blue needs to go next week and Cameron said he was all for it.

3:20 PM BBT – Cory thinks the nominees next week could be Blue and Bowie or Blue and Cameron. Cory says he gets so nervous when Matt and Blue hang out. Cory says he asked Jag why he didn’t mention that Blue wanted him backdoored this week (Cameron is blaming that Cory backdoor talk this week on Blue).

3:35 PM BBT – Felicia asks Mecole what’s she thinking. She says that “everyone in here a hot-ass mess.” She asks Mecole who she’s going to align with when Felicia goes. Mecole says nobody. Felicia says she hates to say it, but Mecole probably won’t even be able to trust Cirie. Mecole says “mmhmm.”

3:39 PM BBT – Felicia tells Mecole she and Cirie had an in-depth conversation yesterday because Cirie again told her that they should’ve kept Jared. Felicia said she wants to know why Cirie is still bringing that up and why Cirie didn’t fight so hard for her when she was on the block. Felicia says she told her again that Jared did her wrong first, so they need to let the Jared thing go.

3:45 PM BBT – Bowie Jane asks Jag if Blue goes next week. Jag says he hasn’t gotten the full rundown but he knows there’s talk of it being Blue.

3:56 PM BBT – Jag, Cirie and Felicia have a towel-folding race.

4:30 PM BBT – Houseguests are pretty quiet at the moment.

5:07 PM BBT – America tells Blue that Cory is so blinded by Mecole. He thinks she has a great relationship with Mecole, but she picked Cory during the knockout competition. Blue says she thinks people are putting too much thought into who people picked for that comp.

5:08 PM BBT – America thinks Mecole would nominate Cameron and Bowie.

5:20 PM BBT – Blue says that she’s not the biggest Cameron fan, but he was villainized way too much. She says people blew that up way too much. Cory says Izzy is the one who really amplified the Cameron thing.

5:22 PM BBT – Blue says but still, Cameron brought most of it on himself, so she’ll give him some credit, but not full credit.

5:27 PM BBT – Felicia tells Cirie that she will have to deflect anything she can onto Jared and Felicia. She says if Cirie can get the others to trust her, she and Matt or she and Jag could get to the end. Felicia doesn’t think they’ll let Mecole or Bowie Jane get to the end. Felicia says she’d love to get to the end with Cirie, but she knows they’re going to keep Mecole unless she can convince them she’d be easy to beat in Final 2.

6:18 PM BBT – Matt and America say it’s good to have Cameron on their side and he’s a good competitor, but they know they can’t let him get to the end. Matt says Cameron will win the whole thing. They agree Cameron has to go in two or three weeks.

6:19 PM BBT – America says they have a really strong shot at HOH, but they need to worry about Blue. Matt says they can try to just shut down Blue targeting Cory if she wins HOH. They think they can convince her not to go after Cory.

6:46 PM BBT – Cameron says that Izzy wasn’t wrong when she told him he’d be following her right out the door. But he got to come right back in. He says Izzy is at home so pissed off over him getting back in the game.

6:47 PM BBT – Cameron tells Bowie Jane that Blue was trying to get him to get Cory out this week so she won’t have to do it herself.

7:32 PM BBT – Cory tells Cameron about Blue saying that Cameron didn’t deserve all the hate, but then turned around and said he deserved some of it.

7:34 PM BBT – Jag asks Matt if America felt any type of way that they didn’t warn her and Cory that Blue was trying to get Cory out. Matt said kind of, but he explained it all to her. Jag says he told Cory that the only reason they were up in the HOH room with Cameron was to try to keep Cameron from actually backdooring Cory.

7:35 PM BBT – Matt tells Jag that Blue is telling Cameron everything. Matt says they need to get rid of Blue soon. Jag and Matt think Blue is working with Mecole.

7:37 PM BBT – Cory tells Cameron and America that it seems Blue wants Cory and Cameron out, so she can scoop up America, Jag and Matt. And then she’d have them and Mecole. Cameron and America tell Cory that Mecole is working as a spy for Blue and that Mecole isn’t really on Cory’s side as he previously thought.

8:17 PM BBT – Felicia tells Mecole that Cirie gave out info to Cameron and Red, and that’s why she went to Jared about a Final 2 with him instead of Cirie. She says she was having a hard time trusting Cirie because she was giving out way too much information. Felicia says everything shifted when Jared clearly went back and told Cirie everything she told Jared.

8:20 PM BBT – Jag, Matt and Bowie Jane talk about taking out Mecole instead of Felicia since they’re convinced Blue and Mecole are tight. Matt says at the very least they should see how Blue reacts if they mention flipping the vote onto Mecole.

8:21 PM BBT – Jag says they would have the votes to get Mecole out, but they’d be drawing a line again, so they’d need to really think this out.

8:30 PM BBT – Matt and Jag both agree that Bowie Jane is their ideal F3 but they aren’t sure how much information to give her along the way.

8:45 PM BBT – Jag tells America how Blue kept pitching for Cameron to BD Cory but they weren’t going to let it happen.

9:15 PM BBT – America and Jag crafting plans for how to handle a slip n slide HOH competition and who should go for what.

9:30 PM BBT – Jag and Blue upstairs discussing how Cory and America are split on how to handle Cameron. Cory wants him out but America doesn’t.

10:40 PM BBT – Cory discusses with America how he is feeling confident in their current position in the game. He thinks Meme underperformed in the puzzle comp and might not be a concern as much. Cory doesn’t think the two of them will reach the end together. He worries he’d lose to Matt or Jag but beat Cameron with the Jury.

11:05 PM BBT – Cameron meets with Matt, Jag, and Bowie upstairs. They discuss this group being their F4. Cory crashes the party.

11:35 PM BBT – HGs upstairs goofing around and hiding from America when she checks into the room. Then when she goes back downstairs they try to dash out to the yard but she finds them.

11:50 PM BBT – Bowie tells Blue how Felicia pitched the idea of keeping her to make moves and then they can vote her (F) out later.

2:40 AM BBT – America, Cory, Jag, and Matt talking outside and discuss the option of keeping Felicia over Meme.

2:50 AM BBT – Cory and America leave. Jag and Matt discuss how the other two want to name their alliance but they’re not concerned with that. They still both agree that Bowie is their best F3 option and want to let her know about America and Cory so she’s not surprised that they’re working together now.

3:00 AM BBT – Jag asks Matt if he has a deal with Cirie but Matt pretends not to hear him. Matt suggests maybe there is a foursome with them, Blue, and Cirie.

3:10 AM BBT – Matt and Jag plan to talk with Bowie separately to let her know about their positions with America, Cory, and Cameron. Meanwhile they want to draw back on how much they’re sharing with each of those three.

3:15 AM BBT – Jag and Matt are off to bed.

Cory seems to remain blissfully unaware of how close he came to being out of the game with Monday’s Veto meeting. Meanwhile Matt and Jag continue to build their position with the other HGs preparing for their end games. For now the decision seems set for Thursday and then we’re on the go again with a new HOH.

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