The Veto Ceremony came and went inside the Big Brother 25 house and this week’s final nominees were set. Despite all the talks over the last couple of days, things went according to the original plan. That didn’t stop one of the Week 9 nominees from attempting to stir the pot during their veto speech. They tried to paint a target on a fellow Big Brother houseguest’s back, but instead seemed to have sealed their fate as the final evictee before jury.
Jag did float the idea by Matt about possibly saving Felicia this week and evicting Meme, but they aren’t sure that they would have the votes to keep her. They are also worried about making enemies of Cory and America since they are supposed to be working with them. However, they didn’t completely nix the idea either. Read on to find out what else went on inside the Big Brother house on Monday!
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Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, October 2, 2023:
9:15 AM BBT – HGs are waking up.
9:26 AM BBT – Felicia is telling Meme that everyone in the house is so quick to run to the HOH with all their “truths” and stories. She says that they do this to deflect away from themselves and make someone else the target.
9:40 AM BBT – Bowie, Jag, and Matt are talking about their plans for next week when Blue comes in and the conversation shifts. They do a quick check-in.
9:53 AM BBT – Felicia is talking to America about pushing for a guy to go up in place of Meme or her. America says that Cameron has gotten really close to the rest of the guys and she doesn’t think that Cameron would go for that.
9:58 AM BBT – Cirie is telling Matt and Blue that Felicia is talking to America about trying to get Cameron to renom a guy this week.
10:03 AM BBT – Jag is telling Bowie that while Cory is in the house, Blue winning HOH is okay. Says that once Cory is gone, that is going to cause Blue to target either him, Matt, or Cameron.
10:17 AM BBT – Cameron is telling Bowie that she can’t trust Blue. He adds that Blue wants to take Cory out and Cory wants to take Blue out, but Cory is afraid to tell them. He is also worried that Cory wants him out too, just not yet. Bowie tells Cameron that America wants Blue out next week.
10:21 AM BBT – Cameron confirms with Bowie that he is not going to use the Power of Veto this week because he is trying to keep the trust between their group.
10:25 AM BBT – Cameron tells Bowie that Jag was completely against getting Cory out this week. Says that at first he was iffy about it, but when Jag explained to him why, it made sense to him.
10:29 AM BBT – Cameron tells Cory that he is invested in working with him. He adds that Blue is gunning for Cory and she is trying to get him to BD him today. Says that she is making it seem like Cory is gunning for Cameron next week.
10:32 AM BBT – Cameron tells Cory that he wouldn’t suggest telling America this information because it puts her in a position to have to lie. Cory asks if this is a solo mission by Blue and he tells him that it seems to be that way and it seems like she wants Cameron to do her dirty work.
10:47 AM BBT – Matt is telling America that Felicia is campaigning against her and Cory to him. Says that she is pushing that Cory and America are working with Cameron and that they are going to come after Matt and Jag.
10:56 AM BBT – Cory tells America that he has to talk to Matt and Jag again about Blue. America asks why and he tells her that Cameron alluded to the fact that she is gunning for Cory. Says that she has gone to him and pushed for him to use the Veto.
10:58 AM BBT – Cory says that his concern isn’t with Blue, it’s with Matt and Jag not telling him this. Says that he knows if Blue is telling Cameron stuff, then she is telling Matt and Jag stuff too.
11:01 AM BBT – Feeds cut to Adoptable Animals for the Veto Ceremony.
12:50 PM BBT – Feeds return. Cameron did not use the Veto which means Felicia and Mecole are final noms for the week.
12:52 PM BBT – Cory and Blue are talking in the backyard. Apparently Felicia called Cory out during her Veto speech.
1:00 PM BBT – Matt, Bowie, and America are talking about how Felicia could have survived this week if she didn’t blow up on Cory. America wants to point out to Felicia that if it wasn’t for her and Cory, Felicia wouldn’t even be there right now (she would have been evicted instead of Izzy).
1:07 PM BBT – Jag tells Cameron that he thinks that whole thing was good for them. Cameron tells Jag that Cory is going to be the new Cameron after that and then tells him about his conversation with Cory prior to the Veto Ceremony.
1:18 PM BBT – Felicia asks Cameron and Jag how bad they think she blew up her game. Cameron says “what game?” and adds that it’s blown. He says that he doesn’t see her going hard against Meme this week, implying that is what she would need to do in order to recover, and says that at least she said what she needed to say.
1:27 PM BBT – Cory tells Jag that he doesn’t think anything Felicia said in her speech really matters. Talks turn to how Cameron told him he talked to them last night and filled him in on Blue pushing for Cory to be BD this week.
1:30 PM BBT – Jag tells Cory that from here on out, they have to be careful what they say to Blue. Cory says he isn’t saying anything game related to her anymore. Meanwhile, Felicia is telling Cirie about Cameron’s comments about her not having a game anymore.
1:37 PM BBT – Jag tells Cory that it doesn’t benefit anyone except Blue to get Cory out this week.
1:38 PM BBT – Cameron tells Blue that if Felicia keeps coming into rooms and disrupting conversations, he is going to very politely ask her to leave.
1:42 PM BBT – Cirie tells Cameron and Blue that Felicia told her that she is going to try and get four votes to stay. Cameron tells her about the comment he made about her game. Cirie says that Felicia told her.
1:45 PM BBT – Cory is talking to Meme about how it didn’t make sense that Felicia said he had been working against her this whole game when she would have been evicted weeks ago. Meanwhile, Felicia is downstairs telling Jag how Cory doesn’t want to win the HOH, his only concern is winning Vetos from time to time in case he needs to take someone down. Says that he feeds lies to people to get them to do his dirty work.
1:57 PM BBT – Cirie and Blue are talking about the all girls alliance that Felicia proposed. Cirie tells Blue the pitch Felicia said she was going to give to America to convince her to let Cory go this week.
2:11 PM BBT – Blue tells Cirie that she feels like the next HOH is do or die for her. Cirie asks her who she would put up if she won. She says Cory and America, he has been on her hit list for a few weeks now.
2:25 PM BBT – Jag floats the idea of keeping Felicia by Matt. Says that keeping her would be good for them because if she wins, she will target Cory for them. Jag says that they would have to talk to Cameron about it. They aren’t sure if they would have the votes and then Felicia comes up to talk to them.
2:30 PM BBT – After Felicia walks away, they reevaluate the idea and realize that they would end up blindsiding people that they are currently working with. They agree to talk about it more before bringing it to Cameron for consideration.
2:45 PM BBT – Game talk has stalled. The HGs are all lounging in the backyard.
3:00 PM BBT – America is telling Cory about her conversation with Felicia and how she backdown a lot because she didn’t want to rehash things, but she didn’t want to be mean to her either. She then tells Cory that she talked to Cam and he told her everything about Blue targeting him.
Not sure what Jag is trying to accomplish here with the idea of keeping Felicia and evicting Meme this week. However, I think it’s safe to say that if he decides to float this idea to Cameron, it might not be received well. I guess we will have to wait and see what happens when Matt and Jag continue their conversation later on. Do you think that they could convince Cameron to keep Felicia this week? If so, will they be able to rally enough votes to follow through? Let us know!
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