Big Brother 25 Live Feeds Week 7: Wednesday Night Highlights

It was double eviction eve and the halfway point for the Big Brother 25 houseguests Wednesday evening. But the focus was all on the clues they received throughout the evening. Speculations went from it meaning there’s a battle back to a double eviction to some kind of new game twist they’ve never heard of. It’s likely just clues to the double eviction HOH and veto, but they have no way of actually knowing that for sure.

There was also some brief talk of a vote flip (no surprise there – that’s just what this cast does), but Cirie and Jared realized this vote flip probably wouldn’t actually end well for them.

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Be sure to read Wednesday’s Daytime Highlights before moving on to the overnight report.

Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights – Wednesday, September 20, 2023:

3:05 PM BBT – Bowie Jane and Cory think Cameron has to know he doesn’t stand a chance but says he’s still going around trying to plant seeds.

3:30 PM BBT – Feeds are down (Houseguests are getting clues to something).

3:49 PM BBT – Feeds return to Cameron telling Jared that “something’s brewing.” He says to Jared “you’re being lined up.” He tells him that the house is working to get Jared out like they did Cameron.

3:50 PM BBT – HGs talking about the clues they just got. It was some kind of jumbled word puzzle. Now they suspect there will be a double eviction that will send them into jury after that.

4:00 PM BBT – Jag and Cory are trying to figure out what the scrambled word clues were. Cory thinks it’s Scary-verse related (it is).

4:07 PM BBT – Feeds cut again.

4:14 PM BBT – Feeds are back. They got another clue. Blue and America are talking game. Blue tells America that she doesn’t think anyone would suspect they’re working together and wouldn’t target them. She says she thinks the house will target Cory and Jared, but not the them. Blue says it would be nice if she and America team up.

4:39 PM BBT – Cory tells Jared that at the start of the week, he thought his nominations would be Jared and Cirie. But Cory says after talking to Jared and Cirie this week, he has changed his mind (he’s likely lying). Cory says he won’t put up Jared or Cirie. Cory says Cirie swore to him she’d not put up Cory and America. Cory says now his nomination list would be pretty simple now: not America, Cirie, Jared or Jag.

4:41 PM BBT – Jared tells Cory he trusts him enough to take his word for it. He says if he’s wrong, he’s wrong.

4:45 PM BBT – Cirie and Jared start to talk about Cory and America saying they won’t put her up, but Cirie says she doesn’t even care about that right now because she’s too concerned with those clues. Jared tells her to not stress and remember this is just a game. Cirie says but this isn’t a fun game to her.

4:50 PM BBT – Jared tells Cirie that if Cameron wasn’t going after her Jared would really consider trying to flip the vote to keep Cameron. Cirie said if there was a way to really make Cameron indebted to her she’d consider it. Jared says they’d need Cirie, Felicia, Mecole and Bowie Jane to keep Cameron. Cirie says Felicia and Mecole would be hard. Jared says but also Cameron never mentions Cirie when he pitches groups to him. So Jared says that’s why he won’t consider Cameron staying.

4:52 PM BBT – Cirie and Jared say it would never work with Cameron staying. But five seconds later they wonder if Mecole really cares if Cameron goes. Cirie says that’s because Mecole knows Cameron isn’t coming for her. Jared says that would be easy to sway her to flip then.

4:56 PM BBT – Now Jared and Cirie are back to saying too many people would be upset with them. Jared says “oh well, it’s worth a thought.”

5:20 PM BBT – The houseguests are still focused on whatever those clues were and if it means there’s a battle back or a double eviction. Jag says it could mean anything.

6:07 PM BBT – Feeds cut.

7:00 PM BBT – Feeds remain down for their halfway party.

8:26 PM BBT – Feeds are back from the party. Cory and America are already back to bed and kissing.

8:35 PM BBT – America doesn’t feel well. Cory says they ate too much and there wasn’t much alcohol. Cory thinks Cirie winning HOH would be worst case for them.

8:40 PM BBT – Jared stops by and tells America she’s safe and he’s still confident Cameron is going.

8:45 PM BBT – Cirie is frustrated when she realizes a surprise Battleback would mean they’re still not to Jury yet.

8:55 PM BBT – Blue is in the HOH doing a camtalk. She says several alliances what to work with her and that she’s a strong competitor and getting close to winning comps.

9:25 PM BBT – Jared laments to Blue that he should have used the Veto to save Izzy and now he regrets not doing that. Jared notes that Blue told him not to save her.

10:20 PM BBT – HGs anxiously discussing the possibility of a Double Eviction and/or a Battle Back on Thursday. Matt, Jag, Cory, America, and Blue talking about what could happen. Cameron shows up later and shuts that down.

11:00 PM BBT – Cory shares with Matt and Jag that Cirie has promised him she will nominate Floaters if she gets HOH and that she would not put him or America on the Block. He doesn’t believe her.

11:10 PM BBT – Cory talks with Matt that even if one of the former evictees returns next week in a Battle Back (they won’t) that the HGs need to stick to the plan to get out Jared.

11:25 PM BBT – Jag shares with America and Cory that Blue told him she won’t nominate Cirie or Jared. That upsets Cory but Jag says that’s just what it is with Blue.

11:40 PM BBT – Bowie and Felicia are already off to bed.

11:50 PM BBT – Jag proposes to Matt that if the two of them are in the HOH comp and America or Cory are still there then they need to throw the comp to them. Jag thinks if that happens and Jared and Cirie are on the Block then either of them might pick Jag or Matt to play Veto.

12:05 AM BBT – HGs heading to bed early knowing Thursday will be a big day.

Thursday is definitely about to be a big day! We’ve got the Double Eviction and some strange mystery with the Scaryverse dropping in to deliver some sort of shakeup for the upcoming week. In the meantime, Cameron is still the top target for this eviction and there’s been no wavering on that front.

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