For the most part, it was a quiet Tuesday inside the Big Brother 25 house with most of the houseguests relaxing and talking about various life experiences. However, the day started off with Felicia running to Jag with some information about conversations Cirie has had with another Big Brother houseguest that might be concerning to Jag. While she was there, she filled Jag in on Cirie’s idea to split the vote this week in order to preserve any jury votes she might get.
Felicia has been doing a lot to throw Cirie under the bus over the last couple of days. However, this conversation also exposed Matt’s plans to target Jag in the near future. Find out what Jag thought about some of the information she shared and what he thinks will happen after Thursday night’s eviction.
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Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights – Tuesday, October 24, 2023:
10:15 AM BBT – HGs are waking up.
10:25 AM BBT – Felicia heads up to the HOH room to talk to Jag.
10:27 AM BBT – Felicia tells Jag that Cirie told her that she (C) has been talking to Matt about when to take Jag out. Adds that Matt told Cirie he didn’t know if they should take him out at the DE or wait until the F5 because he knows he can’t beat Jag in F2. Felicia mentions that she wants to try and get Matt to tell her the same thing.
10:30 AM BBT – Felicia tells Jag that Cirie is stuck on making it a tie vote to force Jag to vote Blue out this week. Suggests that he tells Blue before Thursday.
10:35 AM BBT – Felicia is explaining to Jag that Cirie told her she wanted to force Jag to make the deciding vote so that she stays good with Blue if she makes it to F2. Jag wonders if Cirie is trying to make it look like Felicia is the sole vote for Blue and turn the house against her.
10:40 AM BBT – Felicia and Jag are trying to come up with the best way to tell Blue that she is the target this week.
10:45 AM BBT – Felicia tells Jag that she is telling him this to show him how loyal she is. He says he knows. She wonders if she should talk to Matt and see if he mentions something to her. Jag tells her that he really needs to get to the bottom of that and adds that she should talk to him and let him know what Matt says.
11:00 AM BBT – Jag, Matt, Felicia, and Cirie are all in the HOH room talking about the vote this week. Felicia mentions that Blue thinks she is staying this week. Adds that if the goal is to vote Blue out, she doesn’t want to see her blindsided. Matt wonders how they are supposed to let her know if they aren’t allowed to tell her she’s going.
11:40 AM BBT – Cirie tells Felicia that Jag doesn’t like the idea of a split vote because it puts the blood on his hands and it wants it on theirs. Felicia says he doesn’t like the idea. Cirie wonders what Jag is going to tell Blue since they won’t be in the room for that conversation. Felicia says no, but she will come downstairs and tell them. Cirie says she’s going to want to know if they knew and adds that they didn’t because he wasn’t clear.
12:03 PM BBT – Felicia asks Matt how he’s feeling. He tells her that he’s feeling okay, he thinks it will be a unanious vote. Says that the probability of Blue winning the Veto during the DE are high and then one of them will have to go up which is why he is sold on this idea.
12:05 PM BBT – America tells Bowie and Blue about how Cory asked her what she would say if he proposed on finale night. She says she would say yes.
12:13 PM BBT – Felicia tells Cirie how she told Jag that they were going to vote for Blue to stay so that they stayed true to what they said. Said Jag told her that if they do that then their F4 isn’t on the same page. Cirie says he’s just trying to manage jury votes.
12:15 PM BBT – Cirie says that at least they would be keeping their word to Blue, the only one that would be breaking their word is him. Says that this is Jag’s bus, he’s driving. Bowie walks in.
12:18 PM BBT – Bowie leaves and Cirie tells Felicia that she thinks by voting Blue out, they are working into his hand. Felicia is worried that they would upset America too. Cirie says no, because if they explain to her that they wanted Jag to put the blood on his hands, she will understand.
12:20 PM BBT – Felicia asks Cirie if she thinks Matt is serious about taking a shot at Jag? Cirie says she thinks he is very serious, but it’s all about timing. Says that they can’t take too long though because there is only two weeks left.
12:24 PM BBT – Jag is camtalking. Says that Cirie and Felicia’s jury management doesn’t hurt or harm him. Says that Blue will already know she is his target, so at that point he is just confirming it if he votes her out. Says he thinks it will be the same level of betrayal since she will already know she’s his target. Only way she feels more betrayed is if it’s a blindside.
12:26 PM BBT – Jag says the downside to the 2-2 vote is if Cirie/Felicia can get Matt/Bowie to vote with them, Blue stays. Says but that means America will be closer to him if she knows that Cirie/Felicia voted against her.
12:31 PM BBT – Bowie joins Jag in the HOH room. They are talking about scenarios and Bowie mentions that America told her she thinks Felicia would take the shot at Jag/Matt if she wins HOH.
12:35 PM BBT – Jag says that if he is on the block in F4 and Cirie/Felicia are the deciding vote, they would vote him out.
12:38 PM BBT – Jag is telling Bowie that Felicia told him Cirie wants a split vote this week so that she can manage jury votes. Bowie says it doesn’t matter because they aren’t going to make it to F2 anyway. He says he kind of wants to let them do it because then they isolate themselves from America. Bowie thinks that’s a good idea.
12:44 PM BBT – Bowie and Jag talk about splitting up Cirie and Felicia next week. Jag says first America and then probably Cirie. Mentions that if they get rid of Felicia first, Cirie gets close to America and Matt and Bowie says that’s not good.
1:02 PM BBT – Blue is telling Cirie that she has been nervous about looking stupid if the plan this week is really to get her out. Says that she just has to keep reminding herself to trust in her people. Cirie says Blue has more trust in them than she does, but she’s worked with them longer and she (C) is a skeptical person.
1:05 PM BBT – Matt tells Felicia that he feels bad for Blue, but this isn’t personal. Felicia says that it’s purely because of her ability to win comps. Matt says ideally, they (Blue and America) both go home on Thursday. Mentions that Bowie would be next in line to keep their F4 intact.
1:15 PM BBT – Cirie talks to Jared through the cameras. Says that she has given her (Blue) every hint, she’s trying to given them to her, but she refuses to take them. Says she doesn’t know what else to do.
2:00 PM BBT – The houseguests are hanging around the house having general conversations.
2:30 PM BBT – All cams have been on Blue and Bowie who are dicussing past relationships.
Pretty laid-back day for the Big Brother houseguests with not much to do other than wait for this week’s Double Eviction. It doesn’t sound like Matt has any plans of spilling any information to Felicia about his plans to target Jag since he has made it clear that it should be America that goes next followed by Bowie when they get to F5. Do you think this will take Felicia off his trail or will she continue to pry for information in an attempt to prove her loyalty to Jag?
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