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The Veto Ceremony came and went inside the Big Brother 25 house with very little excitement to follow. Jared got to implement his plan and now it’s up to the rest of the Big Brother houseguests to follow through with their votes on Thursday night. Read on to find out what happened before and after the Veto Ceremony for Week 7 of Big Brother!
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Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, September 18, 2023:
9:25 AM BBT – HGs are waking up.
9:33 AM BBT – Cory tells Jag that Felicia asked him how close he was to Bowie Jane and then told him to get as close to her as he can.
9:35 AM BBT – Jag tells Matt that Felicia asked him what happened last week. Tells Matt that he told her the truth about what the plan was last week and why things changed.
9:38 AM BBT – Felicia tells America that she is livid about last week and finding out that Cirie and Jared were pushing for her to go. America tells her that the 8-1 vote was because Jared was saving face and knew that Izzy was going.
9:45 AM BBT – Felicia tells Meme that she talked to America and Cory and told them they need to get closer to Bowie. She stresses the importance of pulling Bowie closer to them. Meanwhile, Matt and Jag are in the HN room about how they can get Cirie or Jared out next week.
9:55 AM BBT – Meme and Felicia are talking about how Red saying he was going to target Felicia was likely a lie. Meanwhile, Jag and Matt are trying to figure out the best way to keep Blue in the loop without telling her too much.
10:00 AM BBT – Matt and America are comparing notes about their conversations with other houseguests. They discuss who they can bring into their group. They worry that Bowie might be too close to Cirie and America says she will talk to her more.
10:05 AM BBT – America and Matt are talking about Cameron’s pitch to them and both agree they can’t trust Cameron.
10:10 AM BBT – Jag tells Blue about his conversation with Felicia last night.
10:12 AM BBT – Blue tells Matt and Jag that Cirie told Jared she thinks they (Matt & Jag) are going to throw the next HOH comp.
10:24 AM BBT – Jared and Matt are talking about the optics of Jag using the Veto on Cory. Says that it might look like they are working together. Jared says that chances are no one will think of that since the plan has been to put Cameron up anyways.
10:30 AM BBT – Felicia is filling Bowie in on how Cirie and Jared were pushing for her to go next week. Felicia wonders if Cameron ever turned against Red or if Jared made that up.
10:40 AM BBT – Bowie was confirming things to Felicia when Cirie joins. Talks turn to Cameron and everything he has been campaigning.
11:00 AM BBT – Blue is telling Jared that she talked to America yesterday and she mentioned wanting to work with them, Matt, Cory, and Jag would be her dream situation. Said she wasn’t proposing anything, but it was more of a she feels good with them.
11:04 AM BBT – Feeds cut to Adoptable Animals for the Veto Ceremony.
11:59 AM BBT – Feeds return from the Veto Ceremony. Jag used the Veto on Cory. Cameron was put up in his place making Cameron and America final noms for the week.
12:00 PM BBT – Felicia is telling Bowie that something in her gut is telling this week will be a Double Eviction.
12:02 PM BBT – Cirie tells Meme that she thought she knew about all the alliances, Meme says she heard through slip ups, but wasn’t told directly about any of them.
12:03 PM BBT – Jag tells Matt that Cirie saying she thinks that they are going to throw the HOH just shows that she isn’t with them.
12:06 PM BBT – Cirie tells Meme that if they could avoid the block next week, then they (BSB) will have the majority. She adds that she wants to win the HOH more now than ever.
12:10 PM BBT – Cirie tells Meme that she knows something about everyone in the house and she hasn’t put on the table even though she could.
12:15 PM BBT – Cory tells Jared now that the numbers are starting to dwindle, the number of people they can target is also getting smaller.
12:45 PM BBT – Jag is telling Matt that he trusts Cory, America, and Meme. He thinks that them and Blue could work closely with those three moving forward.
12:48 PM BBT – Matt tells Jag that Blue said Jared is starting to get nervous about them. Jag says that’s all the more reason why they should take the shot if they get the chance. Matt says because Jared wouldn’t hesitate to put the two of them up together.
12:50 PM BBT – America is telling Bowie how Cirie, Izzy, and Felicia told her she couldn’t tell Jag that he was being voted out (when Matt used the power). America says that they were worried about him outting their 7 Deadly Sins alliance. Adds that they probably did the same thing with Red because they were worried about him spilling Legend 25.
1:00 PM BBT – America tells Bowie that she feels really good about being next to Cameron, but she is using this opportunity to hold her one-on-ones and see where everyone is at.
1:22 PM BBT – Cory talks about putting Cirie and Felicia on the block together to backdoor Jared next week. Jag worries that if he does that, Cirie or Felicia might pick Jared to play in the Veto.
1:25 PM BBT – Cory says that he is starting to agree with Jag about putting them up together. Jag had said if they do that, either way one of them goes.
1:30 PM BBT – Cory talks about how they have been warned the yard would be closing early. Cory, America, and Jag agree that there is going to be some big comp.
1:37 PM BBT – Jag tells America and Blue that everyone is worried they are working together. Says that everyone has been staring at them talking from the other side of the yard.
1:43 PM BBT – America tells Jag that she trusts Blue, but she doesn’t want to push her too hard because she knows that Jared is coming for her and Cory. They both stress the importance of winning the upcoming HOH. Meanwhile, Cameron is inside trying to convince Matt that breaking up Cory and America is what’s best for the house. Matt says the issue would be convincing enough people to agree. Cameron says it would be up to them to decide.
1:49 PM BBT – America tells Jag and Felicia that she knows that Cameron is going to campaign hard. Felicia says that she doesn’t think so and even if he does, no one is going to buy into it.
2:08 PM BBT – Felicia is telling Jag and America that Cirie came to her after that talk in the HN room ended. She told them that Cirie told her that she has never said a bad thing about Felicia and if she hears otherwise, then she is being lied to. She says she knows that isn’t true.
2:12 PM BBT – Jag says that he noticed Cirie is always quick to try and clear her name every time something happens.
2:25 PM BBT – America tells Blue that Felicia wants to form a new large alliance and said that if she (F) wins HOH, she will put Cirie and Jared up.
2:30 PM BBT – The houseguests are all lounging outside, napping, and sunbathing.
2:48 PM BBT – America and Jag are talking about Felicia wanting to reform a large alliance. Talks turn to how America told Blue that Felicia wanted to start a large alliance and that she would target Jared and Cirie. America thinks that she really wants to trust that Blue won’t say anything to Jared.
2:55 PM BBT – Jag says that Cirie is a snake and America adds that at least everyone is starting to see that now.
2:57 PM BBT – Felicia and Blue are talking in the storage room. Blue asks her if there is any questions that she can answer for her. Felicia says that she learned a lot last week about the people she thought were fighting for her.
3:00 PM BBT – Blue tells Felicia that when it came to last week’s vote, she really liked both of them and it was hard for her to make a decision. Felicia says that she knows that she was closer to Izzy than her and that’s why she didn’t badger her about her vote. Blue tells her that she does want to keep her personal relationship with Jared, but her game relationship with him has changed dramatically. She adds that because of this she will be focusing on her best strategy moving forward.
Sounds like America might be a little nervous that she shared too much information with Blue about what Felicia was planning for next week. However, based on the chat that took place between Blue and Felicia, Blue seems to be looking to separate herself from Jared when it comes to the game. Will Blue keep the information to herself? Or will she run and tell Jared about it when she gets the chance?
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