Big Brother 25 Live Feeds Week 14: Wednesday Highlights

The Big Brother 25 Final 3 spent their last full day in the Big Brother house doing very little. Despite the $750,000 decision looming, there was very little game talk and minimal pleading. It sounds like Matt Klotz and Jag Bains are still set on making it to the Final 2 together while leaving Bowie Jane in the dust.

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Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Wednesday, November 8, 2023:

9:10 AM BBT – HGs have gotten their wake-up call, but remain in bed.

9:40 AM BBT – Jag tells Bowie that he noticed their suitcases in the Storage Room.

9:53 AM BBT – Bowie points out that if Jag wins R3 that he would have not only the most Veto wins of the season, but also the most HOH wins (he currently has two HOH wins). Jag says that he doesn’t think that him winning R2 counts as an HOH win though, just a comp win.

10:27 AM BBT – Bowie tells Jag to make sure he studies today and not to assume that R3 won’t be a memory comp. Bowie thinks that it could be both physical and mental. Jag says it might just be a booth comp since they are going to be dressed up for finale.

10:46 AM BBT – Matt tells Jag that he didn’t bring a suit, adds that he doesn’t even own a suit. Says the only thing he owns is a jacket he used to wear to sorority events.

10:49 AM BBT – Bowie asks Matt if he asked for one of his button-down shirts (they were taken out of his stuff at the beginning of the season) and he says they said they would see. Says if he doesn’t get the shirt, he’s going to be really underdressed.

10:57 AM BBT – Jag tells Matt that this this is wild and he hasn’t stopped thinking about the fact that they are both about to be in F2. Matt says it’s nice that there is no pressure to win R3.

11:00 AM BBT – Matt asks Jag if Bowie has talked to him yet and he says no. Mentions that she talked to him a little about what the R3 comp would be. Jag says that it doesn’t matter if she does say something, he is taking Matt to F2 for sure. Matt says she hasn’t talked to him either.

11:15 AM BBT – Matt and Jag are eating breakfast and rehashing the season.

11:27 AM BBT – Matt and Bowie are talking about how they never expected to make it this far, they both agree they just wanted to make it to jury. Bowie says she knows she won’t get anyone’s vote if she is in F2, but she is okay with that. They start talking about who each juror might vote for.

11:30 AM BBT – Matt tells Bowie that Felicia played a good game, but she was very sloppy with her secrets and spreading information and rumors around. Matt recalls when Felicia told him Cameron, Blue, and Jag were plotting to get Matt out during Bowie’s HOH.

12:22 PM BBT – Matt tells Jag that he thinks America and Cory will try to steal their spotlight by proposing on finale night. Jag says that their bromance is better than their showmances. Matt adds that it didn’t take them 3-4 weeks to say “I love you” to each other.

12:35 PM BBT – Bowie and Matt have started packing their suitcases.

12:40 PM BBT – Jag has joined the packing party.

1:05 PM BBT – Bowie and Jag are talking about what R3 could be, again. Jag says that in the seasons he can remember, are booth styled competitions.

1:30 PM BBT – All is quiet in the BB house as Jag and Bowie continue to pack and Matt plays solitare in the kitchen.

2:10 PM BBT – The F3 are hanging out in Scary Room while Jag continues to pack. General chit-chat going on.

2:24 PM BBT – The F3 are talking about how they have no idea what they are going to do when they get out of the house and Mr. B says, “Remember HGs, the only constant in life is change.”

3:04 PM BBT – Matt is playing solitaire as he and Jag eat Indian food leftovers. Bowie Jane is in the bedroom by herself.

3:30 PM BBT – Feeds cut.

4:20 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Everyone is hanging out in the bathroom. No indication why the feeds were down.

4:58 PM BBT – Jag tells Matt “Tomorrow we make history.”

6:05 PM BBT – Jag says this season will be known for the “Minutemen.” He says people years from now will be saying stuff like “watch the Minutemen season.”

7:00 PM BBT – Matt and Jag remain in the HOH room following some kind of production lockdown. Bowie is back downstairs by herself.

7:10 PM BBT – Jag and Matt are searching the house for things with HG names taped to them. They’re collecting all the names the can to put on their water bottles.

8:22 PM BBT – Everyone is napping.

9:10 PM BBT – HGs working on making their own dinners.

9:30 PM BBT – While Jag is in DR Bowie tries working on Matt. She says if he takes her to F2 then he’ll get all the votes as she expects to earn none of them.

10:10 PM BBT – Bowie is excited for when they all three walk out together tomorrow. (Who is going to tell her?)

10:25 PM BBT – Bowie is working on Jag and telling him if he takes Matt then Jag loses $750K. She says she thinks Matt will cut Jag as well if he wins R3. Bowie says she’ll happily take 3rd. Bowie names off how everyone would vote against her because she’s upset them or they just don’t like her.

11:15 PM BBT – Matt and Jag shake and promise they are definitely taking each other.

12:10 AM BBT – HGs are gathered for a final night in the Scramble room.

12:25 AM BBT – When Bowie got up to use the bathroom Matt & Jag flashed their Minutemen pose again.

12:35 AM BBT – Lights out.

12:54 AM BBT – Matt and Jag are staying in the Scramble room for the night. Bowie goes to Comic room for the last night. When they notice she’s left they both shake and again do their watch check gesture.

And that’s that. Matt and Jag have repeatedly affirmed they plan to take the other. Now the only question left for me is whether Jag intends to throw it so he doesn’t have to cut Bowie himself and potentially lose her Jury vote.

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