Big Brother 25 Week 5 Live Feeds: Saturday Highlights

Blue and Jared on Big Brother 25 - CBS

Veto Day arrived for the Big Brother 25 Houseguests and that brought about another potential vote switcharoo for this week’s target. This has been a very capricious group and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. So naturally they had to start with one target and debate moving right on down the line as they are wont to do.

It didn’t take long for HOH Jared to start working on his new target and that was well before the Big Brother Veto even played out. Jared isn’t happy with America and he was lining his backup plan to take a spot on the Block if it came to that. Well guess what.

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Read Friday’s Overnight Highlights before moving on to Saturday’s BB25 events.

Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights – Saturday, September 2, 2023:

8:00 AM BBT – HGs are getting up for the day.

8:10 AM BBT – Matt is updating Cirie on his talk with Red last night. He thinks Red trusts him.

8:15 AM BBT – Cam comes to Cirie and tells her that if they can get either of them down this week then he thinks both he and Red can stay this week.

8:35 AM BBT – Izzy, Bowie, and Cirie practicing dates and events.

8:40 AM BBT – Jag and Cirie agree there’s one HG that neither of them want to win Veto.

9:25 AM BBT – Feeds are back from players pick. Jared is upset that America is going to throw the Veto. Cory says that’s not true and she won’t. Jared says if she does she’s going on the Block.

9:55 AM BBT – Cory lets America know that Jared thinks she’s going to throw the comp. He also says Jared thinks she wouldn’t target Cameron if she won HOH. America is getting upset over hearing this.

10:45 AM BBT – Izzy talks with Cory about her concerns with America. She thinks America would align with Cameron. Cory points out that Cameron is trying to get America renom’d so why would she want to be working with Cameron.

12:05 PM BBT – Feeds cut for the Veto.

1:25 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Cameron won the Veto and already discussing America as the renom. Izzy talks with Cory about trying to convince Cameron to use it on Red instead.

1:30 PM BBT – Cirie also talks with Red about trying to get Cameron to use it on Red. Red doesn’t think Cameron would do that.

1:35 PM BBT – Felicia asks Cameron about using the Veto on Red instead and Cameron turns down that idea.

1:40 PM BBT – HGs discussing this was the Tiny Veto comp.

2:00 PM BBT – America and Jag discussing how Cameron is trying to get her renom’d. Jag reminds America that the renom isn’t Cameron’s choice.

2:00 PM BBT – Cirie, Izzy, and Meme discuss Jag going up in case he isn’t over last week.

2:05 PM BBT – America is walking Jag through other alliances in the h

2:30 PM BBT – Felicia asks Bowie Jane and Cirie how they can get Cameron out the door next week and maybe it needs to be a BD like Hisam.

2:45 PM BBT – Mecole and Izzy discuss the possible renom. Mecole thinks Red should go because he’s a threat, but if America goes up then she should go.

3:00 PM BBT – Cory tells Izzy that he has a secret and reveals that his brother was on Survivor.

3:05 PM BBT – Jared discussing with Blue what he should do because he doesn’t like Jag or America.

3:10 PM BBT – Felicia and Cirie want a way for Cameron to not use the Veto.

3:30 PM BBT – Cory lets America know he told Izzy about his brother and now he regrets it.

3:45 PM BBT – America promises Jared that she won’t put up him, Blue, or Cory. Jared complains that out of the four of them he’s the only one who won something.

4:10 PM BBT – Jared argues to America that by her throwing the Pressure Cooker to Cameron that it put others at risk.

4:20 PM BBT – Jag and Matt discussing if America is renom’d then do they vote out Red or America. They know if they vote out Red then Cameron sees where they stand against him. They settle on keeping America is good for them because she’ll go after Cameron.

4:55 PM BBT – America leaves HOH and heads downstairs. She tells Jag and Blue that Jared thinks she’s making deals with Cameron.

5:00 PM BBT – Red talking with Jared and he says that next week he expects everyone to be going after Cameron.

5:25 PM BBT – America is cuddled up with Cory and retelling him about her talk with Jared. She worries how Jared said that Red leaving would not benefit him.

5:30 PM BBT – Cirie has joined Jared in the HOH room. She suggests he put up Bowie since she’s not in an alliance with them. Jared tells her that he is not going to renom America.

5:40 PM BBT – Jared shares that Matt had volunteered to be a pawn. Cirie says that’s perfect then and to do that.

5:50 PM BBT – Jared tells Cory that he is thinking Jag should go home and wants the group to meet to discuss.

6:10 PM BBT – Jared talking with Matt but doesn’t come back around to Jared asking him to be the pawn as offered.

6:55 PM BBT – Matt, Jared, and Blue discuss getting their alliance together tonight, and not the “fake one” (Legend). Jared is back to saying he’ll renom America if no one volunteers.

7:20 PM BBT – Jared apologizes to Cory for getting worked up earlier about America. He tells Cory that he never told America that he’d renom her.

7:30 PM BBT – HOH crew trying to get their meeting going but Felicia is downstairs washing dishes.

7:45 PM BBT – Red and Cameron are together at the hot tub. Red confronts Cameron and lets Cameron know what he’s done (turning on Red, pushing him to be the target). Red says they’ll just play out the game. Cameron leaves.

8:10 PM BBT – Cameron talks with Matt and says he doesn’t know what he did to upset Red but it seems like Red wants to go home.

8:40 PM BBT – Jared talking with Cameron about the renom plans. Jared says he only told him, Bowie, and Red about America being a possible renom but then others knew. Cameron says that Bowie talks to others in the Comic room.

8:45 PM BBT – Cameron mentions Felicia suggested he use the Veto on Red because Red is having a hard time, but no one worried about him (C) when he was on the Block for two straight weeks.

9:30 PM BBT – HGs discussing what sort of advice they’d give themselves now at age 18. General chatter.

10:30 PM BBT – Red talks with Bowie about getting America renom’d. He thinks the house would support voting her out over him.

10:35 PM BBT – Cameron working on Jared again to renom Izzy.

10:40 PM BBT – Jared quickly relays Cameron’s suggestion over to Felicia.

10:45 PM BBT – Red pitching to the Comic group for America to be the renom and he’d feel more secure against her than against Jag.

11:00 PM BBT – Felicia runs that info back to Izzy and Cirie.

11:05 PM BBT – Red tells Cirie and Felicia that last night Jag told him that they were running the house and weren’t supporting him.

11:40 PM BBT – Red mentions to Cirie that Cameron is taking credit for Hisam going.

12:25 AM BBT – Cirie lets Izzy know that Red and Bowie were pushing America as a big threat. Izzy is surprised to hear that.

12:35 AM BBT – Izzy and Cirie see the message tube is glowing red.

12:50 AM BBT – Cory and America cuddle up and chat. He says he was really pissed today and hadn’t felt that upset in a while. America and Cory both say they cried today.

1:00 AM BBT – Lights out, HGs off to bed.

Cameron may have survived another week but he’s in a rough spot and will need to start winning out until the heat subsides and that may not be possible with 2/3 the season left to go. He’s lost his support from Red and it seems most HGs are just placating him for the moment while he is safe with the Veto.

Another day awaits for Jared to decide what to do about the renom and then the ceremony arrives on Monday. Watch for plenty more debates and discussions on what he’ll do throughout Sunday.

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