Big Brother 25: Jury House Starts This Week

Big Brother 25 Houseguests in Week 10 - CBS

This week on Big Brother 25 the season reaches another milestone as the first Houseguest will be sent out the door and instead of heading home will instead going to join the Big Brother Jury! It’s a big step and something many HGs with less ambitious goals than the title of winner strive to achieve. It’s no $750K prize, but it is a guaranteed run of stipend for the remaining weeks and a nice little break from the 24/7 watchful eye of Big Brother.

Making this an even more challenging achievement was production’s decision to shrink the Jury pool to just seven members this year. Aside from a “throwback” there was no real reason given by BB25 for the shift but seven votes is plenty and that’s a change I wouldn’t mind seeing again in future seasons. And so, this Thursday night we’ll see the first of those seven seats filled.

The remaining Houseguests at this point include: America, Blue, Bowie Jane, Cameron, Cirie, Cory, Felicia, Jag, and Matt. Well clearly you want your first name to start with one of the first six letters this season as it’s been very bottom heavy for evictions on the alphabet! Just kinda interesting to see and is going to be split up one way or the other this week as either Cameron Hardin or Felicia Cannon will be evicted following Monday’s Veto Ceremony.

Cameron Hardin on Big Brother 25 - CBS
Cameron Hardin on Big Brother 25 – CBS

Much to his fans’ disappointment, it does look like Cameron is the most likely candidate to become the first Juror on Big Brother 25. Cameron has dodged this fate since all the way back in Week 2 when he was up on the Block against Reilly. Then again in Weeks 3, 5, and 7 when he was finally evicted only to return as a Big Brother Zombie where he beat Jared to return to the game.

So here we are in Week 10 and it looks like Cameron’s nine lives are about to run out. He’s made a heck of a go of staying alive in this game and won an impressive number of comps to evade capture and eviction along the way. Cameron should definitely be proud of how far he’s come against the odds!

The next question will be: who joins Cameron in the Jury for that second spot? Any guesses so far?



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