Big Brother 25 Episode 6 Recap: Hisam Holds All The Power—For Now

Big Brother 25 current Head of Household Hisam is one of those rare contestants that say and do exactly as they mean. Some call it bad gameplay. Fewer call it good gameplay. I call it pure entertainment. And he did not disappoint in Wednesday night’s episode.

The episode picked up right after the nomination ceremony. Hisam lets us know that Reilly is his target simply because he was going to be her target. And he also lets her know that in a hilariously condescending conversation. He’s talking all sweet to her, kind of like she’s a 5-year-old, all while explaining to her why he’s going to do everything in his power to get her evicted this week. And she just kind of has to sit and take it. But she does let us know in her Diary Room session that she can’t stand talking to him. 

In between condescending Hisam conversations Jag returns from the Nether Region. 

Then Hisam threatens Matt that if he is chosen to play in the veto, wins and uses it to save Reilly it will look like he and Reilly are in a shomance. So Hisam says it’s in Matt’s best interest to not save Reilly this week. Matt right away tells Reilly what Hisam said but adds that he’s going to take her down no matter what if he wins veto. 

The houseguests are then sent a message from the Scary-verse. Jag has to send someone to the Nether Region and that person will miss being eligible for the veto competition. Jag decides to talk to Hisam before making his decision. Hisam tells Jag his preference would be Blue, but says it’s his power so he can do whatever. Jag lets us know that he wants to just choose Red and definitely isn’t going to send Blue because she’s his closest ally. 

Jag decides the safest bet is to to look for a volunteer and Bowie volunteers. And so Bowie is sent off to the Nether Region. And since she’s out of the veto pool, let’s see who actually is picked to play in the veto. Joining Hisam, Reilly and Cameron are Matt, America and Blue via Reilly’s houseguest choice. 

And then we head right into the veto competition. For this competition, the players have to play a record in reverse to unscramble some clues to complete three tasks. The person who does it the fastest wins the Power of Veto. 

Here are the Top 3 results:

  • Cameron 2:10
  • Blue 2:36
  • Hisam 1:45 

Hisam wins the Power of Veto! That’s two vetoes and an HOH if you’re keeping count. 

And even though we never noticed she was gone, Bowie returns from the Nether Region. 

And Reilly, despite how much she does not want to ever speak to Hisam again, knows she has to talk to him about the veto. And he gives her nothing but more condescension. He says he’s clearly going to leave things the same. 

At the veto ceremony, Hisam delivers quite the blistering speech against Reilly and obviously does not use the veto. So Reilly remains as Hisam’s target. But could Hisam’s polarizing actions change the vote? Cirie let us know in the end of the episode Diary Room snippets that she isn’t too happy with Hisam’s actions this week. So who knows what will actually happen in Thursday night’s live eviction episode. Be sure to tune in to find out and check back here for our live recap. 



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