Big Brother 25 Episode 3 Recap: Alliances And Atomic Wedgies

Alliances were formed, someone fell in the hot tub and the houseguests were given atomic wedgies. Just your typical episode of Big Brother 25.

Wednesday night’s episode picked up right after the nomination ceremony. Reilly of course removed Jared and Cory from the block, leaving Kirsten and Felicia up for eviction. 

And Kirsten and Felicia are understandably upset, but Felicia is reassured right away that she is safe this week. But Felicia still wants to do everything she can to win the Power of Veto because she’s smart enough to know that in the game of Big Brother, only you can control your fate. 

And then we get into the deals and alliances that started forming right away. Reilly and Jag clicked hard and fast and solidified a Final 2. They even used the words “ride or die.” And then the rest of their group forms with Christian, Matt and Blue. So that’s Reilly, Jag, Matt, Cameron and Blue. That’s five, and they decide to call themselves The Handful. 

And since The Handful were pretty terrible at hiding their alliance, Felicia picked up on and goes to tell her roommates in the comic room about her her theory. In there are Felicia, Cirie, Mecole, and Bowie. They are freaked out about the obvious alliance and decide to start their own. And so the “Bye Bye Bitches” alliance is formed. 

Back upstairs with The Handful, they realize five isn’t really enough, so they decide to bring in Cory, America and Jared. So that’s eight. And Jared lets Cirie know right away. So Felicia had the five pegged, but now Cirie knows about the entire eight. 

It’s time to pick players for the veto competition. Joining Reilly, Felicia and Kirsten will are Hisam, Blue and Cameron. And let’s get right to the completion. For this challenge, the players simply have to stack some flowers. Of course. There’s an interference added that lifts the players up and away by a harness, as in an “atomic wedgie.” Oh, this show. Always embarrassing us for watching. 

And since Hisam just learned from Cirie that there’s an eight-person alliance, he knows his BB life could be in danger. So he vows to fight for the veto. And fight he does. Hisam stacks all of his flowers first and wins the Power of Veto!

Hisam entertains the idea to use the veto on Kirsten, but he lets us know he has to really decide if it would benefit his game. And at the Power of Veto ceremony, he obviously decided it wasn’t going to benefit him. He decides not to use the veto and nominations stay the same. 

But will Kirsten or Felicia be evicted? We aren’t completely sure after news came out today that one of the houseguests have been removed from the game. So if it’s like last year when Paloma left, the eviction could be canceled.



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