Big Brother 25: Counting The Votes In Week 9

If you only watched Tuesday night’s veto cliffhanger episode of Big Brother 25 and aren’t sure what happens with the Power of Veto, stop reading. Because we’re going to talk about how the votes are shaping up for the two final nominees this week.

For some reason we didn’t get the full veto results this week on the episode, but we have to stick to our schedule and count the votes ahead of Thursday.

So if you’re reading this far, then you probably know that Felicia and Mecole remain on the block, and as of now, Felicia remains the target. She did herself no favors this week by blowing up games and calling people out. But we thank her for that, greatly. We needed some drama this season! Thanks, Mama Fe.

That being said, how are the votes looking at the moment? There has been talk here and there about flipping the vote onto Mecole because people are convinced that Mecole and Blue are getting too close and Felicia is kind of alone now. Cory and America are talking about pushing harder for it Thursday morning, but as of now, that hasn’t really taken off. So this is the most likely scenario this week:

Votes to Evict Felicia: Cory, America, Bowie Jane, Matt, Jag, Blue, Cirie

Votes to Evict Mecole: None

It’s possibly Cirie or someone else might give Felicia a vote, because there’s no real reason to send her out unanimously. That just seems a bit harsh.

If the vote were to flip, it would most likely be Cory and America leading the charge along with Matt and Jag. But Matt and Jag are going to take some convincing because they already discussed that a vote flipping to Mecole would benefit Cory more than themselves. They think Cory wants this to happen so that Matt and Jag look like the bad guys. So I doubt a flip is likely this week. But you never know.

So who do you think will be evicted this week, just missing the Big Brother 25 jury of seven? Let us know by voting in our poll below.


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